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  1. Grey J

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    Especially the helicopter pilot who was able to hold it in a steady hover in ridiculously strong winds. That was amazing.
  2. Grey J

    Fatality on Mt. Guyot

    For the record, Kate Matrosova died in the col between Madison and Adams, not on Monroe. But yes, I agree that there are similarities between her death and that of Mr Roma. Although it was also a winter fatality, I think Emily's death on Lafayette is in another category. She was not experienced...
  3. Grey J

    Lost Pond Mountain ADKs 12/23 - The blackest coal in a naughty stocking

    I always enjoy reading your colorful reports because you go places I would never in a million years attempt to go. I also appreciate your liberal use of similes like "brook crossing infrastructure was strewn like a Boxing coach's toothpicks all over the landscape." You write like a summit...
  4. Grey J

    Ghosts on the Glacier

    Heads up. It's a long story.
  5. Grey J

    Ghosts on the Glacier

    This NYT special feature (12/24/23) about two deaths on Aconcagua 50 years ago was quite intriguing. My subscription says I get a free copy and can share it so I hope this opens for you. It's quite a story. A camera belonging to one of those who died has just emerged from the glacier...
  6. Grey J

    Avalanche resulting in rescue Great Gulf.

    Sounds like this was literally a life-saving effort by all involved. Great work by everyone starting with the fellow skiers who were first responders out of necessity. Very impressive coordination leading to the best possible outcome given the circumstances.
  7. Grey J

    Middle and North Sugarloaf

    That's a nice hike with a big payoff for the effort invested. Did Shay pick up a scent from the tracks?
  8. Grey J

    Mt. Chocorua and Middle Sister

    Those are pretty special photos J&B. Just spectacular. Wow.
  9. Grey J

    WMG Redlining finish

    You go girl! That is an awesome achievement. And thank you for your trail maintenance work as well. Some hikers might think the trails are self-maintaining which they certainly are not. Spend a day wading through the brush on a poorly maintained trail and you will gain appreciation for the...
  10. Grey J

    North Moat

    That's a real gem on the 52wav list and it should not be underestimated in terms of difficulty either. Certainly not technically difficult but harder in terms of distance and elevation gain than several 4Ks. I really enjoyed the loop over to Red Ridge Trail (no official designation for the 2...
  11. Grey J

    The "rules" of good photography

    Framing is everything.
  12. Grey J

    1984 Osseo Route?

    I love these old maps. Looks like the Kanc just ends at Camp 3? Is that accurate? When was it finished?
  13. Grey J

    things that make you feel better even if they are a bit impractical

    I carry some gold dollar coins of the presidents whose names grace the Presidentials. I also have an old NH toll token with the Old Man on it in the same pouch, so Cannon is represented too. And a few other oddities as well. :cool: Got to have some secrets.
  14. Grey J

    Messner or Viesturs

    Excellent article. Much to consider and no simple answer. Thanks for posting that skiguy. I loved the scrolling photo effect from on high.
  15. Grey J

    Messner or Viesturs

    I don't really care about the record but I loved Viesturs' book on his quest, even though I can't recall the title. Always liked his mantra that "getting to the summit is optional but getting back down is mandatory." Words to (literally) live by.
  16. Grey J

    The Vermont 4ks

    Thread drift alert. I've always been a big fan of Guyot and hope someday it gets included, but then I always thought the south summit of Guyot looked higher than the recognized north summit. I'm pretty sure this recent LIDAR data also proves that my eyeballs are mistaken. :cool:
  17. Grey J

    Devil’s Path plus Hunter 9/7/23

    Nice going. Excellent photos!
  18. Grey J

    The Vermont 4ks

    I climbed Mansfield a very long time ago and also Pico Peak in VT. Don't remember much about either one unfortunately. It was before I kept track of my climbs so that was probably early 70s. I also did Ascutney as well with an Explorer group that I was leading at the time. I used to ski at...
  19. Grey J

    Weeks Traverse, safe car spot at Starr King, best direction

    Just another unfortunate example of how the blockheads F things up for everybody.
  20. Grey J

    Acadia National Park 2023

    Great pix! Thanks for making a comeback on VFTT. Always enjoyed your posts.