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  1. Jason Berard

    funny post about chainsaws!

    funny post about chainsaws!
  2. Jason Berard

    All who wander in the Black Mountain Pond range are not lost

    Well, that sounds like an exciting ramble! Sometimes I like to bring a google earth image of the area I'm hiking in. It can help to have land cover features to use for information from time to time. This helps more in valleys, where there are more different features, like fields, but It can be...
  3. Jason Berard

    Hiking is for the birds!

    We did Engine Hill and Isolation. It was a nice grouping to allow for a weekend of camping. I'm already looking at the site to see what I'll do next year!
  4. Jason Berard

    Hiking is for the birds!

    Hiking isn't really FOR the birds, but my friend Brent and I were hiking FOR birds last weekend for a program called Mountain Birdwatch, organized by Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Here's a link to the program: Surveying two routes seemed like a good...
  5. Jason Berard

    Happy Birthday, Jason!

    Happy Birthday, Jason!
  6. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    And so it is!
  7. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    These are all from a walk today in the Upper Valley. I haven't had time to figure out what they all are yet. Any ID help would be appreciated. no idea. flower looks like a honeysuckle but the plant does not. EDIT: northern bush honeysuckle (the first native honeysuckle I've seen!) bog laurel...
  8. Jason Berard

    Blue (Trailwrights) and Moosilauke - Fri 6/15/2012

    cool report, Tim. The herd path could be the old route of the AT, which used to run closer to the lip of Jobildunc ravine? The cairn may mark the top of an old trail which used to head down into the ravine as well, although I am just guessing here. I have seen old maps somewhere that showed a...
  9. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    A few pics from this weekend in the vicinity of Isolation: white bog orchid mountain cranberry, I believe? We also saw much Labrador tea in bloom, as well as rhodora. There was also a violet growing alongside all the places we found the white bog orchids, but I didn't take a picture. I'm...
  10. Jason Berard

    Isolation via Direttissima, Glen Boulder, and Davis Path, 6/16/2012

    It was good to see you both on Saturday! Brent and I were doing a high elevation songbird survey for Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Good luck to you both as you close in on some cool hiking goals!
  11. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    came across this one today:bird's eye speedwell I'm sure I've walked past these a thousand times and never given them a second thought.
  12. Jason Berard

    NH Outdoors Quiz Grouseking Style

    #3: CT River? In Norwich?
  13. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Found in Lyme, NH. This is the first yellow lady slipper I've found in N.H.!
  14. Jason Berard

    Old photo of Franconia Ridge

    Based on what google earth has to say on this, It looks like somewhere near the junction of Sunset Hill Rd and Lafayette Rd.
  15. Jason Berard

    thanks for the green :-)

    thanks for the green :-)
  16. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Northern woodlands had a picture of that a while back in their "what in the woods" series. It is a fungus. I can't remember more than that, but of you look at their site, you'll find it. A few years back I found an albino painted trillium, as well as a painted trillium with 4 petals,etc, instead...
  17. Jason Berard

    What was Marlin Perkin's sidekick's name?

    A link to more about Trudy, which I just came across:
  18. Jason Berard

    What was Marlin Perkin's sidekick's name?

    Whatever it was, that is who I felt like yesterday. You know, the guy who was always in the field being chased by animals in the wild while Marlin was safe in the studio? northern goshawk letting me know I'm too close to her nest! a porkie pretending to not be there RIP Trudy. This was...
  19. Jason Berard

    AT Trek from Rt 25A to Glencliff 5/3/12

    Cool report! I believe that steep ascent up to Webster Slide used to be the AT. Too bad about the shelter.:mad: I'm not sure how long that makes the hike between the two nearest shelters. Hexacuba and Jeffers Brook, I believe.
  20. Jason Berard

    bear and moose smell like ?

    Sometimes when a fox has recently passed through you get a very strong musky, almost skunk-like smell.