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  1. Jason Berard

    Life cycle of ticks and what we should expect this year

    Here is a good link with excellent pics of male and female ticks for both wood and deer ticks: As far as a decline...not sure. I'm treating my field clothing with permethrin, so I'm seeing fewer (none, actually!).:o:D
  2. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    early saxifrage long-spurred violets spring peeper spotted salamander egg masses
  3. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Hi Mohamed. It's Shadbush.
  4. Jason Berard

    Life cycle of ticks and what we should expect this year They don't really look that much alike.
  5. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Wild columbine is blooming on sunny rocky outcrops in the Upper Valley! Cooler, shadier areas are a bit behind, but should begin blooming soon. jason
  6. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Nice pics, Phil! Shadbush is correct. The other one looks like creeping phlox.
  7. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Found some dwarf ginseng and three of the smallest red trillium I've ever seen!
  8. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    anyone else missing all of arghman's post to this thread, as in year's past? arghman, come back! who will we ask our ID question to?:o
  9. Jason Berard

    my worst garden pests are woodchucks! thanks for the green.

    my worst garden pests are woodchucks! thanks for the green.
  10. Jason Berard

    thanks for the green :-)

    thanks for the green :-)
  11. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    I was walking a property today in VT, and saw: ramps, violets (white, yellow an violet), wild ginger, hepatica, trout lily, spring beauty, wood anemone, toothwort, blue cohosh, foamflower, squirrel corn, and dutchmans' breeches, marsh marigold and hobblebush. Phew. I don't think I left any out...
  12. Jason Berard

    dead coyote pic

    Or a positive way. It isn't a terrible thing to have something besides cars and hunters to keep the deer population in check. Deer negatively affect the rate of regeneration of hardwoods in areas where they browse heavily, which is a problem for folks who are trying to manage their forest for...
  13. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    Marsh marigolds are in bloom in the Upper Valley.
  14. Jason Berard

    dead coyote pic

    sad. beautiful animal. I've been close to a coyote twice recently (well, not forestgnome close!, but close!). They are beautiful creatures. Also found a fox skull in the woods on Friday in Haverhill, NH.
  15. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    I was in Barnet, VT today and came across hepatica, bluets, trailing arbutus, coltsfoot, northern white voilet, and wake robin. Bad pics in the breezy, sunny weather with the iphone, so I won't post 'em.:o
  16. Jason Berard

    Life cycle of ticks and what we should expect this year

    Thanks for the clarification on deer/wood tick deseases, everyone! I've been seeing about equal parts nymph and adult deer ticks so far. no wood (dog) ticks yet.
  17. Jason Berard

    2012 Spring Wildflower Thread

    trout lilies are in bloom in the Upper Valley! balsam poplar catkin I didn't know much about these trees until today! Cool trees!
  18. Jason Berard

    Second Quabbin to Cardigan Trail Meeting - Thurs, April 12 in New London

    I went to the first one in Canaan. It is always fun looking over maps and dreaming!
  19. Jason Berard

    AWFUL Ice Gulch in April!!!!

    Could the blood be from winter ticks?
  20. Jason Berard

    29th ed. WMG is out

    It describes the landowner issues, and says the trail is unmaintained below the Kilkenny Ridge Trail jct. It continues to say there is no legal access to Cabot from the west. There is no actual trail description.