ohhhhh I so want to goooo!
Bummed I missed this last year, so was excited to go this year, but it is the weekend I get back from Europe. If I try to go....ummm...I'll definitely be in the dog house with my family if I take off again immediately.
If there is any possibility then I will be...
Gully Climbing Rocks!
Thanks MT - I feel much more confident in my skills now than I did 2 months ago! This is mostly because I am feeling more comfortable with heights and being roped up.
There was definitely a lot of adrenaline on Sat. during this climb, but excitment as well!
Many thanks...
what a party!
TC- that was a GREAT party!! Tequila shots and dancing!!! :D Sorry I didn't make the hangover hike, but gully climbing on Sat and the rockin' time at the Disco Dump basically did me in :D :eek:
Great to see many VFTTers that I haven't run into in a longgg time!
Thanks again!
Signed Up!
I signed up for Mt Blanc this week!! :D :eek: :)
Gonna go for it. Since, I posted this thread, I have been rock climbing in a gym each week - working on a 5.10 currently, but know it is nothing like getting outdoors. Most importantly, I am now comfortable enough to fall :)...
What a great outing this was!! Many thanks to Giggy, Jenn, Adam, Arm, Woody and Alan for giving me tips and encouragement on my first alpine gully climb! It was great to meet up with so many other VFTTer's in Gorham. :D :)
Split around the Cairn!
Double Bow - I saw when you did the split/hug of the cairn and I thought it was funny until I got blown off the trail not paying attention! :eek: :D
Ridgewalker - your Magic pic is now my laptop background...but it is having this sort of aweful calming effect...which...
So nice!
Great TR Peter - congrats again! It was a fitting 48th and last Winter climb for many this season. :D
I was hoping the pictures of the summit would give a better indication of how hard the wind was blowing, but just taking the pictures was difficult enough!
Wonderful group of...
This Hike!
Clarke the 'Magic within' pic is the ideal winter picture - I give it's beauty pause..nicely done. I might need to frame it :D (with your consent :))
What a great mini-journey this was. Thanks to Early Bird and Ron for the awesome sweets! And that tasty beer (Ross) after a hard...
SK - sorry to miss the music this weekend, but got to see Townie for his 48th. Your story was told and it was told well....nice you ventured out!!
Good for you and your understanding(??) friends - good going Gris :D
Change In Day
I just spoke with Peter (Townie) and he is moving this hike until Sunday. Same time, same place.
Hope you can join us!! :)
It's all good! No harm done - opinions are good - opinions on the subject are even better... :D
I've got a lot of momentum here because of you guys and it brings back the realization that the prep toward the event is just as good as the event it self! I have 4-5 months of getting in better...