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  1. Oldmanwinter

    Handguns on the trail

    If you ask this question, you pass people everytime you go anywhere that are armed and don't even know it. OMW
  2. Oldmanwinter

    Snowshoe Crampon Protectors

    Personally I don't use any protection but I saw a guy on the trail this past weekend who was using an old blue ground pad cut to size, one for each shoe. He was using them on MSR's, might be a little more difficult on your Tubbs (the crampons are so much larger). OMW
  3. Oldmanwinter

    Crampons and Lafayette for beginners

    Another suggestion would be the Crawford path to Pierce, moderate climb with hard packed snow over some ice until the ridge (easy crampon hike). From the ridge to the summit is mostly ice and rock but is short. OMW (Winter is over, how sad)
  4. Oldmanwinter

    Abandoned Hikers, a new trend?

    You can say what my wife said to me. "I ain't dragging you all the way up that mountain, pick something smaller".
  5. Oldmanwinter

    AMC Awards for dogs

    I also agree that my dog could care less about her patch, I'm the one who is proud of her accomplishments and I'm the one who put the patch on her coat. She wants to come only for the hike and not the awards. I only hope that someday I accomplish what she did. OMW
  6. Oldmanwinter

    AMC Awards for dogs

    Cinder (black Lab) wears her 4k patch on the winter coat she uses in very cold conditions. Good idea!
  7. Oldmanwinter

    Is there ANYWHERE in the Whites you can bare boot right now?

    Waumbek My wife, dog and I did Waumbek/Starr King Saturday 2/18, Barebooted about 1/4 of the way then wore crampons the rest of the day. we did see people who barebooted the whole way but it was icy. Someone posted in "Trail Conditions" for Waumbek on 2/18 and said he barebooted the whole...
  8. Oldmanwinter

    Mt Cabot Trail, Open or Closed?

    Thinking about Mt Cabot for Sunday and would like to use the Mt Cabot Trail. I read an older article that the Mt Cabot trail should not be used until a land owner access issue was cleared up. I see in the VFTT "Trail Conditions" that others have used the trail this winter. Can anyone shed any...
  9. Oldmanwinter

    Ripped Marmots

    Making duck tape stick If you have a way to heat the duck tape before putting it over the rip it really sticks well. The ususl way is to heat it is over a gas stove. Sometimes tough to do on the trail but a good method if making the repair at home. I have used this method for repairs on dry...
  10. Oldmanwinter

    Cold weather hiking with dogs?

    Went to do Mt Pierce (and maybe Mt Eisenhower) on Monday 1/16/06 with my wife and our Lab, CINDERSMOM and Cinder. Temp at the trail head was about 3 degrees with a strong wind. We never made it because Cinder started shivering and made it known she had enough and wanted to turn around. Cinder...
  11. Oldmanwinter


    Packtowel I always carry two of the smaller packtowels. One attached to the outside of my pack to use on the way up for wiping sweat off my face and brow and one inside my pack to change out for the way back down when the first one freezes. I'm very happy with the way they work. Joe
  12. Oldmanwinter

    Skijoring (aka "dog-skiing")

    Bretton Woods ranks #1 for its "dog-friendly" ski trails, separate from regular x-c trails. I checked out the Bretton Woods URL, it says "Dogs need to be leashed on the trails and at the resort." I'm not sure I would consider that dog friendly, maybe dog tolerant. Better than nothing though. Joe