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  1. T

    Snowshoe/hillclimb/race !

    Mad River Glen is having a snowshoe hill climb event if anyone is interested. I think it is this Saturday at 10am and has a ten dollar admission fee. I have no other details. I might be interested in this even though I have no expectation that I could keep up with the racers. Unfortunately I...
  2. T

    frozen hydration systems

    No threads to freeze on a Platypus just a super hefty ziplock. Never had it open by accident even with jamed full pack. With it nestled in its sleeve tight against my back I generate enough heat to keep it warm for a full day of hiking, dawn to dusk if I start with the water warm.
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    frozen hydration systems

    I don't think the issue would be the water tasting nasty rather it would be the vodka tasting nasty. Anyway if you are going to mix with water wouldn't scotch be a better choice?
  4. T

    frozen hydration systems

    I picked up the statue of liberty trick on this forum a few months ago and it works real well. A few times the mouth piece has frozen but i have a Platypus and the mouthpiece slids on and off without too much trouble. I also always fill up my bladder or bottle with warm water. On a cold day in...
  5. T

    Is the cold keeping you home?

    Had been anticipating a full moon snowshoe up Mansfield but cloudy skis on the warm days, frozen pipes on the cold days and a 60 hour work week all conspired against me. Cloudy again so I probably won't be going out for a half moon snowshoe either.
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    Cliff and Allan in winter 3-day

    It's that, "if not all" part that can be the killer, especially when you have steep climbs. I have done more than one unbroken trail where I have been sweeping the snow in front of me out of the way with my arms to clear a path for my snowshoes. This without having to bend over or stoop. .25...
  7. T

    To be a 46er or not to be?

    You know ever since I started this thread I have dredging my memory trying to recall which Mountain of the 46 I climbed first. I know it happened '77 because that was when I went to summer camp on Long Lake. But was it Marcy or was it Armstrong on my way over to Gothics. It might have been Giant...
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    Cliff and Allan in winter 3-day

    I may be speaking out of place and I am certainly speaking beyond my skill level but when I climbed Cliff this summer I was sorely tempted to try tracing the old trail back to Hanging Spears falls. With good crusty snow on the ground it seems like it might be possible to trace the old path or...
  9. T

    To be a 46er or not to be?

    Okay I can write about my hike, I can write up my route and what I felt and saw but I am lucky to get the year correct forget about the month or day. Even for the hikes I took last year I would have a hard time doing anything more than pinning down the month. Kind of sad but I have been that way...
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    To be a 46er or not to be?

    If I climb all 46 can I call myself a 46er and display a patch and sticker without being registered with the organization? I have never been much for paperwork and beauracracy and would be personally satisfied to know that I had done it. However I wouldn't want to tread on anyone's toes by...
  11. T

    Mt. Mansfield?

    Profanity is the way I usually go in the winter, less exposure. If you have had fresh snow of any quantity it can get quite deep in there. I have spent an hour pushing my way up through the deep and steep for only a .25 mile gain. If the wind isn't bad and its warm enough to soften the crust you...
  12. T

    Camel's Hump (VT)?

    The leanto is on the north side of Camels Hump and is absolutely beautiful, sited in an open glade of birches. The approach is from River road which parallels the Winooski river and has been plowed every time i've been there. It is a long approach though something over 6 miles I would have to...
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    Mt. Mansfield?

    Have you considered climbing Hunger Mountain and Camel's Hump? I live In Waterbury and have climbed all these mountains numerous times winter and summer and while Mansfield is nice unless you take the Long Trail from the south, which is much longer you will be seeing skiers and boarders doing...
  14. T

    Monroe Skyline (Long Trail) Conditions?

    I snowshoed up the Jerusalem trail to mt Ellen 10 days ago. The ridgeline is mostly in the trees there so the snow is held better. There where plenty of drifts with packed crusty stuff in between. Some must have melted off but I would be surprised if there wasn't still a lot up there. The...