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  1. W

    Bushwhacking from AT to South Taconic Trail

    I just did a loop from south of Bear Mountain using the Nothwest Passage crossover for the first time in a couple/few years so here are some of my current observations on the crossover. You can use these to supplement the old GPS track and description I previously posted. No big changes. The...
  2. W

    Where on Mt Lafayette was this photo taken?

    I am always on the lookout for springs but your comment confuses me. Certainly the "Greenleaf trail jogs left under a cliff band which also has a excellent spring under it" as you say, but that's ON the Greenleaf trail going down towards the hut. You also say "I concur" but everyone else is...
  3. W

    Blue British Police Box sighted in Berlin

    So you're saying it's not really the Doctor?
  4. W

    High/Moderate Winds on the Presidentials

    I'm leaving day after tomorrow; Presidential component is at the end of a longer hike. Weather forecast updates are just what I hear from people I meet along the way and what's posted at huts I pass. I may have to buy some kind of radio to pick up forecasts.
  5. W

    High/Moderate Winds on the Presidentials

    I'm planning a leisurely south to north traverse next Sunday (9/16/18)-Tuesday. That's what I've got, no flexibility in dates. I've done the Presidentials Summer, Winter and in between, snow and rain, but always lucked out with reasonable winds. But looks like I'm going to get steady sustained...
  6. W

    Appalachia Parking Area - The New Lafayette Place?

    I say we have rigorous training for a hiking license. Those who fail the training or choose not to undergo it can still hike all they want, but we open up unbadged-hiker hunting. Bag limits and other details would obviously have to be worked out.
  7. W

    Long abandoned route of the Osseo Trail from Lincoln NH

    I am very interested in seeing the routes. I did it maybe 10 years ago but after Whaleback there was no maintenance being done at that time and the section from Whaleback to intersect the "new" Osseo above the staircase was a real challenge with massive blowdowns. That intersection still looks...
  8. W

    WMG Online Shutting Down. Alternatives?

    Garmin's BaseCamp does a passable job but only with maps that have the routable trails. Their Northeast 24K map has many of the White Mountain trails routable, but not all of them. You can patch together routes that have a combination of routable trails and manually-entered sections but it's not...
  9. W

    Woman shot while mountain biking

    Absolutely! Many is the time I've seen a Woman biking down the strEet and I've said to Myself, wow that looks like a DeeR. Easy mistake tO make. Actually, does hunting have anything to do with it? Criminal or civil? One person shoots another; whether in a restaurant or a backyard or a city...
  10. W

    Wow - Black Pond "Bushwhack"

    Great! Thanks. I bought Locus Map Pro and that's doing what I want. I don't like tablets so much, so I'll continue to look for a computer application, preferably for a Mac, but meanwhile I'm in business.
  11. W

    Wow - Black Pond "Bushwhack"

    Well that's lots of fun! Thanks. Any idea how, other than becoming a participant or developer, error info can be fed back on a non-technical level? Like writing somebody an email? For example, the Lincoln Brook Trail north of the Owl's Head slide trailhead is labelled "Owl's Head Path"...
  12. W

    camping spot near Zealand Hut

    Could be. But I doubt they'd leave the white flourish. My most recent experience was coming down on Bondcliff about three weeks or so ago. Two old roads within a few hundred yards of each other; the higher was not signed in any way and had a prodigious pile obviously from a well-fed barbarian...
  13. W

    camping spot near Zealand Hut

    I don't believe real backpackers are abusing these sites, and so publicizing them is no big deal. My understanding is that the FS's petty revenge "revegetation" strategy has pretty much been abandoned. The problem is that as the paths beaten into them are becoming more obvious, less...
  14. W

    Franconia Notch parking survey

    It's too bad we don't have some kind of a mechanism where kids, say age 5-18, were in some kind of organized structured environment on a regular basis, say several times a week. We could take advantage of that to include sessions where principles of citizenship and civilized behavior could be...
  15. W

    Franconia Notch parking survey

    What an awful suggestion. Crippling would be cruel. The hiker-hunting solution has been pointed out many times but the devil is in the details. Do licenses go to the highest bidder (to generate more money for green pickup trucks) or are they given out for free in a lottery? Are there...
  16. W

    A question about an encounter with a bear

    He knew. What you did, calm voice, was fine. Probably. The food more than you, whom he probably didn't much care about. Probably. Personally I wouldn't have done a threat thing that close, especially when you thought it possible he didn't know of your presence. Once you were certain he was aware...
  17. W

    Franconia Notch parking survey

    "Don't worry; he's VERY friendly."
  18. W

    Dry River Trail

    Heavy actual blowdowns or just brush? I've been there post-Irene and the site was OK.
  19. W

    Mass. man drowns in Franconia Brook

    Maybe means that because there are so many people around? I've never been lucky enough in Summer to be there when there weren't huge crowds. If he was trying, for example, to get up on those slippery rocks (I think below the slide?) there would in an instant be a chain of people pulling him up...
  20. W

    Hotel on Mt Washington??!!

    The former is the point, the key to it. Profitability is a quaint old superstitious concept. I know a person involved in building McMansions up into hillsides adjoining state (usually) park lands. Despite all the public funding for the access roads and such, he still loses money (his company...