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  1. A

    Hopkins/Mossy Cascade trail?

    With several approaches to Hopkins and the start of this one along 73 with no formal parking, not sure how well used and maintained this trail is, especially right now. Is this trail well marked, especially with the guidebook-described routing along roads and around homes? Going this weekend if...
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    Boston Harbor Islands - camping

    that's nice but 25 years ago does not really help with the question on current parking -risks and safe places. 25 years ago, I would not set a paddle, hand, or foot in the then notoriosuly polluted harbor water!!!
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    Boston Harbor Islands - camping

    In the past, we've paddled to these islands from Hingham (except for the Brewsters) as a day trip but not camped. We are thinking of a Sept overnight, but are not sure of a safe place to leaves cars overnight. We've read of vandalism, in several of the launches (not necessarily Hingham). Any...
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    OMG i finally did it. Got a kayak today

    Valley I paddle with folks well experienced with valley boats. The Nordkapp is not as general purpose as the Aquanaut and does require some additional skills in bracing, edging, and overlal boat control. The skeg is for controlling the impact of wind wanting to make the boat weathercock. It...
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    Floodwood Pond, Adirondacks

    hmmm Magazine articles on locations are about as subjective as anything. Nothing superb about Floodwood versus other nearby waters. In the same place, Follensby Clear Pond is much more scenic with more islands and mountain views, albeit more road and nearby jet-ski noise. Floodwood camping...
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    NH-Caps Ridge Trail to Jefferson questions

    I am planning very soon on photographing high mountain bird life on just the beginning portion of this Jefferson Notch Rd. trail-no intention of doing the steep part with my heavy camera gear. Is the road now open and drivable from the north - Rt. 2? (Suburau Forester) What is the trail like...
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    A weekend on the Hudson...

    this is favorite section of the Hudson for me, usually launching from Stockport Creek. I usually see at least three bald eagles during just a two hour paddle, along with kingfisher, bank swallows, and other birds. Stockport Middle Ground is a nice island to stretch our legs. The advantage of...
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    Umbagog NH questions

    There are two river accesses to Lake Umabgog-the Androscoggin and Magalloway. A guide book I have describes an off-the highway parking area for the Androscoggin river launch but discourages launching on the Magalloway, since one must park on the main highway. Yet the Magalloway sounds more...
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    mid-Hudson River water quality

    Since several people on this forum kayak the mid to lower Hudson, I am curious what your insight is on this. I launch on the river anywhere from south of Albany to Cold Spring. More so in the Coxsackie to city of Hudson region. How is the water quality for immersion and rolling? I am aware...
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    Any flat water kayakers?

    The various kayak clubs I've been involved with in eastern NY, paddle year round on Fish Creek, connected to Saratoga Lke. Most of it never freezes.
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    A weekend on the Hudson

    Great trip report. What would be suggested for a nice day paddle route and related first visit to Cold Spring itself? If we wanted to put in the river at Cold Spring, see the castle, return for dinner somewhere in town, what is the suggested launch, side excursions, and even restaurants worth...
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    Cold Water Shock amd Gasp Reflex

    The topic of safe clothing wear often comes up when paddling tempertures below 70 degrees F, all the way down to winter conditions. The chief concern thought of is hy'thermia, so people debate a dysuit, dytop, wetsuit, etc if they are immersed in the water for any length of time. No matter how...
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    Dry Tops vs. Dry Suits

    If you are dressing for safety from cold water immersion, a dry top is only of benefit if you do not have to exit your boat-a sure roll in whatever conditons you paddle. Adding the pants later results in extra uncomfy bulk and a weak link for leaks. A full dry suit will be more comfy and...
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    VHF or FRS radios inland

    I am wondering how many people own VHF radios, obviously useful along the coast, for inland rivers and larger lakes. (i.e Hudson River). I assume that limited people are listening inland. The weather feature seems very useful but a very expensive way ($150-$200 avg) to get it versus just a...
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    Newbie Kayaker seeks advice from petite paddlers

    Can't say enough about Impex quality. For a bit more speed and seaworthiness, might suggest the Impex Montauk.
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    Yakin' in the Daks?

    lots asking where to go kayaking in the Lake Placid-Saranac Lake area is like asking what restaurant to eat at in NYC. Many many many possibilities. my personal favorites, avoiding heavy motorboat activity is actually just west of Saranac Lake in the St. Regis-Fish Creek area. Follensby Clear...
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    WS Tempest

    Avocet In my local sea kayaking club, there is one well-liked plastic boat among the Kevlar and Fiberglass fleet, the Valley Avocet.
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    WS Tempest

    In my paddling clubs, the tempest 165 gets great comments in plastic. Assume the 170 shares those pros.
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    Open Water...

    I would prefer never do an open water crossing alone. Even with multiple people, recent practice on group and self-rescue (re-enter and roll with float is my preferred), safety gear, float plan, etc. As an owner and lover of multiple Impex boats, i would say that the Mystic is a bit less...
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    Lake Umbagog camping in September

    I'd like to do a kayak camping/moose photo trip in mid-Sept. If i end up going solo, I'd prefer to put in along one of the two river accesses to get a camping spot on the lake without a major paddle across open water. Assuming a site must still be reserved then, is it safe to leave a car...