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  1. Ridgewalker

    Future of Success Township Forum

    Also Roy, the Weeks Law states that land may be acquired to protect the navigation of waters, hence the extensive stream crossings we see on our climbs. I do know that Congress did appropriate from 1911 to 1921 a consistent amount of money to acquire land. Good to know of other changes the USFS...
  2. Ridgewalker

    Maine 4ks

    That's admirably ridiculous, I hold those in awe for such an amazing feat :eek:
  3. Ridgewalker

    In Memory Of: What's On the Mind of a Trailworker

    Well crafted story with wonderful anecdotes and description. I admired your skill in linking the trail to Donald's impact on you in the essay. The Lorelei allusion was touching (took German in college). Thanks for sharing your thoughts and autobiography.
  4. Ridgewalker

    We had to put Genie down today

    Pat and Audrey, I'm so sorry to hear that Genie is no longer with us. You will be in my prayers tonight. My sincerest condolences, Ridgewalker
  5. Ridgewalker

    Wildcat D - 5/21

    Glad to hear of your escape to Wildcats...was wondering which one as per your step by step status on facebook.
  6. Ridgewalker

    Arrest Made In Recent Car Break-ins

    Glad to hear that the thief was caught and will be punished, hopefully a stiff sentence without bail will be in order.
  7. Ridgewalker

    Cannon 5/17/09

    Many years ago my hand was held as I went hiking as a scout. The lessons that I learned as a budding leader were on those hikes, highlighted by many mistakes and victories. But now looking behind that trail of progress, all things that seemed hard such as packing and planning the route were...
  8. Ridgewalker

    Conditions in Tuckerman Ravine

    Hi all, I might heading up to tag Washington very soon. Just wondering if any snow is still lingering in the area and if so, will I need to take along some traction. Thanks in advance.
  9. Ridgewalker

    How wild should the mountains be?

    I like my woods wild enough that I could get lost and see new land. Bridges should be put in to help people get across dangerous rivers, while taking them out can add a level of experience in crossing beds larger than five feet. Too many bodies in the woods is a crowd of inconsiderate that...
  10. Ridgewalker

    Musings about the Highland center

    Perhaps the AMC is distancing themselves from Pinkham's 'come in and eat, shower, and sort gear' plan. If you have fellow that you are introducing to hiking or whatever reason prefer the comforts of the Highland Center, yes the concept is appropriate. Many of us are very experienced climbers and...
  11. Ridgewalker

    the Osceolas from the Kanc 1/19/08

    Glad to here another peak bites the dust, but also you both had a splendid time out on the O's and terrific conditions. Up here in Vermont the mountains look a little bit like the view from the slide to Greeley Ponds. Hope to join you both in March for another pilgrimage to the mountains...
  12. Ridgewalker

    A blustery day on Middle Carter

    Bobby, Larry, and Marty- Glad to hear that all went well along with a few comic hiking moments. Was thinking of all you back at the comforts of home. A nasty headache coupled with a mental off day kept me from joys of the hills we love. Regards, Ridgewalker
  13. Ridgewalker

    Old rail bed near USFS Ammi parking lot?

    If it looks very old, it could be the failed attempt in 1912 to build an electric railroad around the Presies. See Nick Howe's book "Not Without Peril," and the vanishing of John Keenan for further descriptions and clues. I think the Mt. Washington Observatory might have stuff on 1909 fire and...
  14. Ridgewalker

    Come with me to Mount Moriah

    30 December 2008 Marty and I headed off into the woods to tag Moriah for my 4K list. We commenced the climb at 0835 up Stony Brook with packed snow. No traction was required until the first stream crossing. As we passed through the realm of the Carters we tasted the pretty sight of snow glazed...
  15. Ridgewalker

    Mt. Moriah conditions

    Much appreciated vegematic! RW
  16. Ridgewalker

    Mt. Moriah conditions

    Hi all, Planning to head up to tag Moriah tomorrow. With the heatwave we've had I would like to know if Stoney Brook has risen and if would be of concern when crossing it. Thanks in advance. Ridgewalker
  17. Ridgewalker

    Happy Holidays to everyone

    Merry Christmas to you to sir. and to my fellow VFTT'ers: To whatever you observe or keep, have a wonderful time with your folks and be sure to savour their company. and Happy New Year! Ridgewalker
  18. Ridgewalker

    Ray Loring Memorial Hike - PAtN, NH - November 22, 2008

    Thank you all for coming on the memorial hike in Ray's honor. Ray would of have been stunned in his quiet disposition with the incredible turnout we had. I am glad to hear that Genie is now safe. Thanks goes to Geri for finding my glove, they must have feet of their own! I am delighted to have...
  19. Ridgewalker

    Exhibit - On The Trail: The Photographs of Ralph Larrabee and the AMC

    These may interest others. Photo from private collection of Mr. Larrabee:
  20. Ridgewalker

    Some beautiful views in Down East Maine

    Papa Bear, Thanks for sharing your newest adventures. I did not know that a survey line was up in Washington, Co., ME. I've always wanted to check out the area, and now seeing your report and photos (which are absolutely beautiful) has further perked my interest. Regards, Ridgewalker