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  1. Ridgewalker

    Save the date: November 1 potluck at Pat and Audrey's

    Oh shucks! I cannot come this year and reconnect due to this chapter in life called college. So here I offer a hearty happy anniversary to Max and Patty and many more to come. Regards, Ridgewalker
  2. Ridgewalker

    Hiker Dies on Haystack Mtn.

    Marty, I am glad to have shared this weekend remembering our best friend. We did so much together in so little time, but it was so rich. In your example I would like to share my words of Ray to the VFTT community: Friendship is the next Pleasure we may hope for: And where we find it not at...
  3. Ridgewalker

    Hiker Dies on Haystack Mtn.

    Ray was many things to me, friend, mentor, and hiking companion. I owe a huge debt for influencing me now as a young man. I was honored to have been with him on his 48 and 111 list completions. Hiking on a Sunday for him was a way of perfectly observing the Lord's Day, by being out and savoring...
  4. Ridgewalker

    Has Anyone Got a Good Nickname For This Hiking Summer?

    Ave vexare verum pluvia Hail annoying spring rain!
  5. Ridgewalker

    NH 112 (Kanc) Closure

    Definitely don't want to have another Willey Slide and see people die from all this weather. Hope that those planning to hike in the Kanc region will be able to rework their trip if need be.
  6. Ridgewalker

    Recommended Reading?

    If you want to read the life of Ethan and Lucy Crawford in dialog form, check out "Crawford's Horn Winding." "Not Without Peril" has one chapter devoted to the vanishing of John Keenan in 1912. A '40s Appalachia did a chronicle of deaths on the Rockpile, of which included the numerous...
  7. Ridgewalker

    Congrats to Tom and Atticus!!

    I would like to offer hearty congrats Tom and Atticus, you both are very deserving of the honor and what you have done for your contributions for hiking and animals.
  8. Ridgewalker

    July 30 - Aug 1: 3 days & 5 NEHH peaks for Ray and Marty

    Great work dudes, keep pushing strong to the end of the lists!
  9. Ridgewalker

    Unprepared Hikers On Washington-Union Leader Article

    This blows my mind how silly and ignorant people can act by taking their canines and unprepared children. On part of regulation it would not surprise me if something was done. I do remember reading in "Appalachia" a humorous prediction written 1999 what the Whites will be like the future-one...
  10. Ridgewalker

    Solution to Clay/Reagan Problem

    WSC- It was named in 1848 by William Oakes in his book "Scenery of the White Mountains." Makes me wonder now if it was supposed to be Mt. Adams. This would be a fun research trip!
  11. Ridgewalker

    Solution to Clay/Reagan Problem

    "Originally Posted by dr_wu002 Yes, but then shouldn't it be Adams - Jefferson - Madison?" May I steer you to page 44 in Forest and Crag. Those without a copy- Adino Nye Brackett affirms in his notes of the Lancastrian trip in 1820 that Mount Adams is the second peak north of Washington. But...
  12. Ridgewalker

    Darren's father passed away

    Darren and Carmel, Please accept my prayers and condolences, may his memories and advice remain embedded in the hearts of you and your family. Clarke
  13. Ridgewalker

    Coolest Place You've Ever Slept?

    The coolest place I've slept at was under the stars at a local scout reservation. It was beautiful to sit there the next day and look above you and see the trees from a different perspective. Most of all the air was salubrious for spring and added to the experience.
  14. Ridgewalker

    ghost stories?

    Don't forget about Baxter State park's Pamola! and what stories that has ignited from rangers and scouts.
  15. Ridgewalker

    Lafayette campground-Crawford Notch traverse

    Hey Rejean, Your hike (or I suppose trek) sounds like it was a rewarding day out of doors. The start to finish reminds me of a similar trip I had in mind to do with a friend or two in the future. I really liked how you topped your day off at the Highland Centre, by relaxing with your feet by...
  16. Ridgewalker

    1 billion dollar development plans for the Mt. Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods

    Well said Puck, time to implement the good ole' Act. The Weeks law could be used by ther USFS to acquire the Dartmouth River, because state law provided protection of the navigibility of rivers. I see the proposals and plans as another way for our wonderful world to become generic with all the...
  17. Ridgewalker

    Stupid People

    One time when my scout troop was hiking in Acadia we were introduced to the cairns and their purpose to which one of the scouts asked if people were buried. Having an intellectual moment I answered, "yes dead people are sometimes buried under them, but not on hiking trails." When I appointed...
  18. Ridgewalker

    FTFC Annual Awards Dinner

    Yes, it's that time again for the big annual dinner. Information is linked here: Will you be attending? If so, please post and hope to see 'ya there! Ridgewalker
  19. Ridgewalker

    How old are you ?

    I'm one and a half years away from twenty....
  20. Ridgewalker

    EMS in Peabody, MA to move

    I surmise that the move means that EMS is doing well. Thanks for the heads up neighbor ;)