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  1. MarkJ

    Round Mountain bushwhack from Chapel Pond

    Nice 1!! Good read, seems like a good little wack!!!!:D
  2. MarkJ

    Mt Kelsey bushwhack (don't let geography go to your head)

    Kelsy Double o Boy!!!! I'm goin.........:)
  3. MarkJ

    NE 770 near Jay pk

    Jay area Robo,before you need another quarter,let me tell ya you could do North Jay,Belvidere,and Haystack,all in that area on the list!!!Need some WD-40 for those.......:) :)
  4. MarkJ

    Abandoned Trails in the Whites

    Aboandoned trails Toward the end of a bushwack Sunday,the amazing Post'r and I came upon the remnants of the Mt Deception trail.It's still there , thanxs to animal traffic,but it gets lost thru blowdowns and new growth clearings.Some spots are very mossy and tunnel like.Also this early spring...
  5. MarkJ

    Caps Ridge Trailhead Damage

    Racoon Neighbor Dave and I saw that Raccoon Sunday at the trailhead around 4:30 when we finished the bushwack accross the street.He came right up without a care in the world,sniffin for food.It looks like too many people probably feed him there .If that's the case,he might not survive the...
  6. MarkJ

    Vose Spur directions?

    Just Go up I kinda agree with you Yogi.Everyone's bushwack is different.Just go around the corner from the big rock and go up .Keep goin up til your up there.If you hit the talus that's a bonus view ,but it doesn't matter.If you wanna go down a different way ,go for it!!:)
  7. MarkJ

    Congrats to Arm!

    Arm!!!!!!!! Wished I coulda been there!!! Thanks to Darren's VFTTP,I have done several hikes with Arm that I will always remember.Congrats,can't wait til my 100th..........
  8. MarkJ

    Highpointers up the Butt: SUCCESS!!!

    Exellent news!!!!! Fantastico,mister frodo,come back safe!!!!!!!
  9. MarkJ

    Grafton Loop Trail

    Wackin' I think I'm gonna buy you a weedwacker!!!!:D :D :D
  10. MarkJ

    Trail Days Photos

    Avitar Is that a roll of quarters in Spongebob squarepants pockets ,or is he just glad to see that cannister?!!!That guy's been around!!!MJ
  11. MarkJ

    Vermont 4000 footers

    Mud season I was on Camels Hump, last yr, last day of mud season,of course there was no mud,but at the top the Ranger was there reminding everyone.He was fine ,and there was a roped off area,protecting alpine growth
  12. MarkJ

    Tumbledown Mt, Maine 4/10/2004

    Tumbledown Nice report Turnbill.I have always wondered about that area ,reading many reports about it.The photos make it look like a little micro-climate region just waiting to be explored.Nice one!I gotta go there!!!:p
  13. MarkJ

    Vose Spur

    Mission Good one Songebob,Spongebob keychain is on a vision quest.He has conquered Mendon,and will continue on ,thanks to hikers like you...:D :D
  14. MarkJ

    Most Peaks in one day

    Most peaks in a day A Presi Traverse in July starting on Webster Jackson trail up to Mt Jackson,past the hut ,up to Peirce,all the others,exiting down on Pine Link from Madison...23.3 MJ
  15. MarkJ

    Vose Spur

    He was up there waiting,we didn't know it,although Neighbor felt this hike was different somehow.It was a typical early spring ascent,streams running a little higher ,snow melting,making for a wet one ,especially a bushwack.At the start we caught remnants of the herdpath,faint ,but there.Further...
  16. MarkJ

    Camping in the Great Gulf Wilderness

    Pinkham Robohiker,you will find Pinkham Notch area quite scenic!Bring plenty of quarters,and by the way ,Happy B-Day;) ;)
  17. MarkJ

    fire rings

    anyone know if there are fire rings at the 4th Iron tent site?Don't wanna haul wood in there if ya can't have a fire....MJ
  18. MarkJ

    Mt. Biking

    Mt biking for sure I Mt bike ,also stash the bike in the woods for ride back to car after a good hike.Bike a mixed route to work in summer.Mein Zweirad ist ausgezeichnet:D !!
  19. MarkJ

    Hiking Solo?

    I agree with Arm,most of my hikes are solo as well.Having done Bondcliff in winter solo ,I feel you have to decide if it is prudent to continue beyond and up Bond and down to Guyot ,set up camp safely, being 8 miles from any escape hatch.It was -29 at Lonesome Lake that Wednesday morn,S Twin...