A friend of mine mentioned off hand that this weekend he was coming off the caps ridge trail off Jefferson late in the weekend and noticed a family of racoons trashing (eating) a set of kayak racks on a car parked at the lot. The racoons casually strolled away from the scene as he came out of the woods. But he and his companion got a good laugh at the unusual event. When they got to their car, there was no damage but plenty of pawprints all over the vehicle.
The general questions come up,
Why would racoons be hanging out at Caps ridge lot ? Kind oif high up for them from my experience.
No close by campgrounds for them to get bad habits in.
Have you ever seen this type of behavior during the daylight by racoons unless they were heavilly human habituated.
What the heck is so tasty in a kayak rack? Salt? (of course they may have finished off the yak and was starting on desert!).
My only speculation is that someone trapped some "problem" racoons and decided to drop them off at caps ridge (which tends to have a fair share of goofers, leaving easy pickings).
The general questions come up,
Why would racoons be hanging out at Caps ridge lot ? Kind oif high up for them from my experience.
No close by campgrounds for them to get bad habits in.
Have you ever seen this type of behavior during the daylight by racoons unless they were heavilly human habituated.
What the heck is so tasty in a kayak rack? Salt? (of course they may have finished off the yak and was starting on desert!).
My only speculation is that someone trapped some "problem" racoons and decided to drop them off at caps ridge (which tends to have a fair share of goofers, leaving easy pickings).