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  1. MarkJ

    Hiking with a ShamWow

    Yes,I actually fell for that lame commercial and got a ShamWow.It works ok but wait there's get those mini Shamwows too.I usually bring 3extra hiking shirts to change into since I sweat alot,plus a sweat rag to use.Not anymore ,cause the mini-shamwow's really work mopping up my...
  2. MarkJ

    Lower + Upper Wolfjaws

    Given it's proximity to upper and lower WJ and being part of the Lower Range I wonder if Armstrong would have similar percentages of rock silica on it's upper or lower sections?
  3. MarkJ

    monadnock state park status

    Actually the mountain is closed due to a bank forclosure.The bank owns it now so you might get arrested for trespassing
  4. MarkJ

    Lower + Upper Wolfjaws

    Do you want that in upper case or lower case? Since those pks are mostly wooded and we were socked in, we couldn't get a feel of where the upper reaches of those pks became an upper peak experience versus the lower peak experience when you know you have a way's to go before hitting...
  5. MarkJ

    Lower + Upper Wolfjaws

    One of the few times I done the Daks ,it was Lower and Upper.We had some thoughts one these that no one could agree. Where on Lower Wolfjaw do you feel like your in the upper section on Lower?Was the upper section on Upper Wolfjaw better than the upper part of Lower?Is the lower part of...
  6. MarkJ

    Green Mts - how much snow...north, central, south?

    Saturday the woods around the Glastonburys had snow so above 3k probably yes down there.The Strat/Arl rd was open with 2-3 inches of slush at Unknamed Br pond height of land.Somerset area forest rds were open but muddy from melting.My mt bike was covered with snow at Little Pond,thats at about...
  7. MarkJ

    Saddleback / 4WD road?

    I was checking that rd on Delorme to get to Unamed pk Ledge pond.On 1 map it's called city pond rd and shows a gate on the saddleback side.The other side goes in between the sandy river ponds,near the AT parking lot.I was gonna take that and see how far I could go.At Eddy pond the rd looked real...
  8. MarkJ

    Vt info: Rice-Adams, Corporation-Round, N/S Blue Ridges?

    corporation,round and E Round can be done from corporation rd.Adams ,Rice can be done from the Alpine village area in Warren. The only time I ever met someone in the woods bushwacking was on Rice.Deer hunters early Nov.They go there every yr so it's a popular hunting area,be prepared.
  9. MarkJ

    Louise and Pisgah (Coburn Gore) advice?

    I've been on the road Albee describes.It's a good road you gain elevation on it .Beyond where you park to do Pisgah it goes down hill a little crosses a bridge to a nice spot where one could do Sisk. I noticed on DeLorme a rd called Lecroix rd goes towards Louise past Arnold pond.Looks...
  10. MarkJ

    Coolest 4K Peak Name in Northeast

    An obscure bushwack off 202 in Barrington NH which I will never attempt..........Bumfagging Hill (elv 600)
  11. MarkJ

    more New England mountain lion rumors

    That's the Exact description of a cat I encountered one morning on my mt bike. Same color,same everything.It was watching something on a stonewall so as I rounded a corner I got to within 50ft. Called Fish and Game,They said I probably saw something else.It was daylight I know what I saw.
  12. MarkJ

    Are 3k's becoming trendy?

    I have read in bird guides they are often called forest hen due to their tameness.I imagine he just wanted to say Hi.Your pics blow mine away!! :D
  13. MarkJ

    Speaking of trendy 3k peaks.

    Wow,nice wack! Big Range, S Pond + 11th are on a 770 list I have.Considering the remoteness of many NY 3k's is it common that many have no jars,or perhaps destroyed by weather? BTW I have been fortunate to see the Oncoman signed in to some Maine 3krs. :)
  14. MarkJ

    East Branch Trail?

    Back in 9/06 4 of us used the trail to access Sable,Chand,Black.Off of Town hall rd we took the gated forest rd to the end where a nice campsite is on the stream.The trail was well worn,tho muddy in some spots.Wondering if that's where you started? On the way back at the gate a Bear hunter had a...
  15. MarkJ

    Descending Elephant Mt. (Maine) to AT

    If you stay on the AT you come to the herd path which is remnants of an old trail that connects to the logging rd where most do Elephant.Its been a while since I was there but it was quite obvious and was used by trailworkers when I went by.Mights well do Old Blue while your close by...Don't...
  16. MarkJ

    Anyone been to Glastenbury Mtn. lately (VT AT/LT)?

    At the end of April the Strat/Arl rd was passable only to the Stratton pd trailhead on the Stratton side.Needed snowshoes in 2 areas only ,I'm sure its dry now.The woods near the jar on N Glastonbury had 15" or so but that's gotta be gone by now.The roads probably in good shape now.
  17. MarkJ

    Camping in VT near Burke - Umpire - East Haven 3k's ??

    Camping I thought pig pen said there was good camping on South America rd.even had a fire ring,close to Seneca's
  18. MarkJ

    The Stubs/Diamond Ridge/Pisgah

    Rump Wow 3000' That's nice.I was told you can almost get to 3000 on Salmon too.I enjoy the travelling with car to these places as well as hiking on to these interesting peaks.
  19. MarkJ

    The Stubs/Diamond Ridge/Pisgah

    Stubs Thank you,just wondering.Also I guess I have to approach Rump from E Inlet rd,too.Drove by that doin Kent and Unamed. :)