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  1. MarkJ

    Adirondack 100 Highest

    finishers This look's like a fun site,I'm gettin over there for sure .....I'm guessin Tom Sawyer must be a finisher since he has done the 770....MJ
  2. MarkJ


    cushman Spruce hell was all me and the Neighbor found also.I thought there was a post once indicating it might be found easier from the end of the Hub. Brook rd.we thought it might have been destroyed in all those blowdowns up there!
  3. MarkJ

    Vermont's Stamford Peak

    name I thought it Unamed peak Stamford and I agree it is a nice hike.
  4. MarkJ

    The Fool Killer 3548'

    Foolkiller Yea,I was up there this fall and spent way too much time lookin fer a jar,I'm sure Hiker Doc put it where it should be.......Missin Link
  5. MarkJ

    Mt. Muise (North Whitcomb) 03/05/06

    we did it our way...... well,given it was plan B,and it was snowin,all the back roads were dicey,and we had to start hiking ,we came to a short rd with skidder tracks goin up ,we went that rte.We went in with no map,no visual,so the DocRoss gps skills were vital for the bearings.In this case...
  6. MarkJ

    NE Caves and other curiosities.....

    cave came across a cave on Kirby pk,goin back to check it out some day :)
  7. MarkJ

    Whitewall Mtn 6/25

    Birch Groves speakin of Birch groves,backside of Whitewall has none of the largest I've seen..........gotta love bushwackin,it was a nice one!!!MJ :)
  8. MarkJ

    question for the explorers

    I'm in I'm in,let's do Philly too,Barbarossa would like this!!!!!!!!MJ :)
  9. MarkJ

    8 Hour Bushwhack+5 Hour Hike

    Captain Nice!!! Thanx's for a very informative wack report........That's a wack!!!!!!!!!MJ
  10. MarkJ

    Roughest and Wildest trails in the White's?

    Shoal Pond Tr Shoal Pond trail is pretty basic,choosing where to head up to Shoal Pond Unnamed Pk is the fun part of that trail.........Missin Link :eek:
  11. MarkJ

    Stinkyfeet wins Vermont 100

    awsome still an awsome achievement!!!!
  12. MarkJ


    Wackfest at Hancock was not a washout.......thankfully,Barbarossa brought enough wood to keep the flame goin' til rain time.Many stories and laughs were had at the Suebuscuit/Hamtero campsite...I think a good time was had by all!! ;)
  13. MarkJ

    Summit Registers

    Most of the New England 3krs we wack were clearcut for lumber back in the day or burnt by a forest's all come back lookin' good..wack-wise ,you come across the same old thing ,over and over,Moose and deer paths along all 3k ridges;leading to the highpoints where we wack.We,as the...
  14. MarkJ

    Setting a date - Whacky Weekend 2005

    Saving Time and gas!!! Why not be gas saving wackers....right up the Kanc,Entire scar ridge,Huntingtons,Hitchcock,Whaleback's' , Big Coolidge.........entire scar ridge sound's good,plus Loon,if neighbor's in.I'm in!!!! :)
  15. MarkJ

    Summit Registers

    The usual names Seeing the usual names in lot's of jars inspires me and reminds me that when I was doing trails back in the day ,these guy's were gettin it done.Not to mention peaks that were trailless and now have trails today.....I have a way's to go ,but the 770 will be done......MJ :D
  16. MarkJ

    Big Spruce, Little Spruce, Big Shanty

    Nice! That's a nice day,wackin 3 ,with great scenery...Thanxs for the report :)
  17. MarkJ

    Bushwacking convention in November

    hunters I'll give you Neighbor's lucky orange shirt if there's a hunter up on the Hitchcock's,Huntington's,Scar ridge,Scaur,Foolkiller,who's gonna drag a deer from there??Of course I gotta drug em' first..... :) :)
  18. MarkJ

    the evolution of "herd paths"

    herdpaths I don't think you can compare the wacked' mts hiked here in the Northeast to the ones in Northwest.I have been out there (600 miles of PCT,Siad Valley to Chelan).Iagreewith limiting hikers in those Alpine areas and wackin out there should not be advertised....most wacked' mts out here...
  19. MarkJ

    Worthwhile Bushwhacks

    Bushwacking Go up hill with a compass go back down!!!!!!!!!
  20. MarkJ

    Road Conditions to Maine Peaks

    good advice Bring anything you can to avoid trouble!!!!!MJ