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Active member
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
44.55066, -70.32336
Does anyone know if there is a canister on the summit of Mt Cushman 3221 (near Moose Hillock). I spent quite a bit of time whacking around up there on yesterday (11-4) and only found Spruce Hell :D Pretty nice lil hill that is right out my sunporch windows. It has some beautiful huge Birch glades on the way up. The Moose bush is about two feet high or less interspersed with giant Birches. Once the snow gets deep enough I will ski in, give a B/C ski report and make some invites :)

Spruce hell was all me and the Neighbor found also.I thought there was a post once indicating it might be found easier from the end of the Hub. Brook rd.we thought it might have been destroyed in all those blowdowns up there!
Mark, I have Cushman from 118 and Hubbard Brook Road, no comparison, much easier from HBR, no thick stuff till you are on top. Found the register both ways, but from HBR we went right to it.
I've found it at least twice because the second time I saw my previous entry :)

Climbed on Xmas once from 118, when I got home the state police had called about an old car alone in such a desolate place
Cushman is a nasty peak

I found a canister there some years back. Strongest memory is standing on a blowdown about five feet off the ground to take a bearin gon the summit when my compass came apart. A bit (by old memory) to the right (from Hubbard Brook Road) of the spruce thickets there is an open woods with numerous hidden potholes to provide a different sort of annoyance to the intrepid tramper. Unlike Roy, I remembered it well enough to swear never to return. :D :D :D
On the other hand....

I am pretty sure I've done the Pilots twice, but found my signature in the registers with four different dates. So my memory isn't all that good either. :eek:
I did it in July '05, following the ridge over from Green Mountain. To me, the summit cone and high point looked quite obvious, so I just figured that the cannister was buried under the blowdown.

It was interesting the way that the Spruce HellTM came all the way up to the edge the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest.
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