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  1. MarkJ

    A Failure on Whaleback

    whaleback Yeah,you gotta go from the condos.Gotta give you credit tho ,goin the long way.From the condos it ends up goin straight up,no switchbacks,then it reaches the col.There,you can bag S Whaleback,sign the cannister,go up to the cliffs of Whaleback for an awesome view.we continued on the...
  2. MarkJ

    Scar ridge - a question.

    wait for winter I agree,better winter hike,we lucked out and did it 4hrs in winter no prob...MJ
  3. MarkJ

    Scar ridge - a question.

    loggin rd If your thinkin about the logging rd opposite Wilderness trail head,I have been on that coming back from the Black mt bushwack ice climb on the black mt slide.I suppose you could go that way ,but you would go over Black to scar ridge,might not be worth the extra time and effort.Don't...
  4. MarkJ

    Monadnock, May 10

    grotto cave I have been to grotto cave on Cardigan,it was fun to find ,since the trail seemed to show little use...not much of a cave ,but a nice spot anyways.....MJ
  5. MarkJ

    roy schwieker on the A.T.?????

    At I think it was his relative uncle Nubby,from Mechanicsburg,just tryin to trick ya.........take your time,I'm tryin to catch up.......MJ
  6. MarkJ

    Hawthorne Falls Question

    Hawthorne We (post'r,MJ) came down upon Hawthorne from Galehead,E and W Garfield,from the col ,that's a good loop.Plus at the end you can just walk thru the river if you don't wanna take your shoes off,short hike back.There's some thick spots up there if you stray too close to the Falls...
  7. MarkJ

    Moose behavior question

    moose nice one forestnome,thanxs for showin' me the moose hang out,is it white brook?,Forest has a sweet camera,I seen it myself!!!!!!!MJ :)
  8. MarkJ

    Gathering 8.0 [and leather apron(s)]

    Canadian edition There may be a bondage edition Vt Teddy Bear,my friend,an accessory to the Bibler tent line,for those who like to "rough it".It's sold only in Canada tho,and hard to get........could be a good gathering,MJ
  9. MarkJ

    Gathering 8.0 [and leather apron(s)]

    gathering Oh Yeah,Mr X and Harry K....I'm sure they'll shop at the Teddy Bear Factory with me!!!I think I'm in on this one......MJ
  10. MarkJ

    Advice for Maine 4000 footers

    cvr 4 krs askus3,I'm not sure how you figured my hike ,but you can do it..hike up to s crock from cvr road,over to n crock,back to South,wack to boundary line hike up it til you hit herd path over to redington,wack up Red,down traditional herd path,road to CV pond head, towards low point on...
  11. MarkJ

    Advice for Maine 4000 footers

    doable in a day You can do the Crockers,bushwack to Red down rd ,wack to At,up Spaulding,over to Sugarloaf .back down to CV rd.I did it in a day ...e mail if you want more info......MJ :)
  12. MarkJ

    Cannisters NOT @ Summits!?

    cannisters We found 2 cannisters on S Hitch couple weeks back.The Carr mt cannister was quite full this fall,that's a trailed peak.Also Haystack,off Hazens Notch had a really old cannister up there,and that had a trail to it.Anybody know if a cannister is on Cushman?That was a thick one ,no...
  13. MarkJ

    Whacked Weekend

    wacked weekend Now that my computer is operatin' again,just wanna say it was a great weekend,meetin new folks and hangin' by the fire...Mr X 'keep those avatars a comin,anyone need an extra tooth??? :) (Stinky?)
  14. MarkJ


    closest legit primitive campsite closest to Togue pond entry to Bax?Goin' there now, who knows? MJ :cool:
  15. MarkJ

    King Ravine > Howker Ridge

    fein Bericht!! Fein Bericht Herr Arm,Pics sind schoern,wackin ist gut!!!!!:D
  16. MarkJ

    old hikers home

    I'm There That would be great,old hikers all around swappin stories,maybe an old Toyota pick up in behind the lean to's to sleep near the pretend trailhead ,wakin up to the "Sarge" yellin "get up and hike"!!!!
  17. MarkJ

    Labor Day in Maine: 3 days - 8 peaks - 38 miles

    wAY TO GO Nice holiday,I'll be headin' up there to tackle those as well.Can't wait......MJ Got any tips give me a jingle:D
  18. MarkJ

    Maine 3,000 foot peaks!

    double o boy you ya got me goin... I 'm millin about Mullin and all that !!!!!!!;) Hopefully I will get there some day!!!!!!
  19. MarkJ

    VT 4k footers 9/5/04 17:22

    Congrats!! Thank's for not wakin me up!!Good to see early starters up thar'hikin....White Volvo,MJ:D
  20. MarkJ

    Vermont 3,000 foot peaks

    Cannister found That's right,we used specially formulated Post'rboy rope to secure it!Only someone like Spiderman or Frodo could tear it down!!!!!Whack on.....MJ:D