To put it mildly, the peaks up in the Merrill Strip and Kibby Township are nasty!! The guys that put up the register jars in the late 80's may have had easier travelling. Maybe more cleared areas, less blow downs, but never the less, they must have put in many hours putting up those jars.
My hiking partner and I did reach the summits of SW Rain (well named, it's a wet, boggy mountain)
and Unnamed Boundary Peak (North Brown) or Monument #414 right on the Boundary Swath, but it is difficult country to navigate. Lots of ridges, drainages, sub peaks, old logging roads that go no where.
Doesn't seem as if too many people are making the effort to get these peaks anymore, except for a very small hard core group. 452 mountains on this list may make people stop before they lose their sanity!
The country is fascinating and so quiet; the views from the top of North Brown along the Boundary Swath, looking into Canada are unique. And, there is no long lines of cars at the trailheads that we saw in the Whites! I wonder why!!

My hiking partner and I did reach the summits of SW Rain (well named, it's a wet, boggy mountain)
Doesn't seem as if too many people are making the effort to get these peaks anymore, except for a very small hard core group. 452 mountains on this list may make people stop before they lose their sanity!
The country is fascinating and so quiet; the views from the top of North Brown along the Boundary Swath, looking into Canada are unique. And, there is no long lines of cars at the trailheads that we saw in the Whites! I wonder why!!