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  1. geezer49

    Mount MacNaughton - whack to Wallface outflow

    Thanks, Bubba, for your reply. This bushwhack was, in some ways, easier than a previous sojourn from Redfield to Skylight with my oldest son. I learned that day why they call it cripple-brush. When you hike solo, one makes decisions and lives with them, without benefit of a two- or...
  2. geezer49

    Snow and Ice on Ampersand

    Decided to make one last fall trip to the Dacks this week. Set out this morning from Ottawa headed for Ampersand Mtn. Logged in the trail (102) register at 12:35 p.m., with five registered ahead of me. Starting walking over snow about 2200 feet in elevation. A single male hiker was returning...
  3. geezer49

    Mount MacNaughton - whack to Wallface outflow

    Climbed MacNaughton yesterday. Excellent weather - cool for most of the day. Set out from Henderson Lean-To. Found the rock cairn and two iron hoops on the trail to Cold Brook, just after Hunter's Pond. Climbing up the right bank of the stream was fine for half the distance, then blow-down...
  4. geezer49

    "Emmons" tionnal #46 for Marie-Pier

    Felicitations Marie-Pier (Like it is) et bonjour à Robert (Mountain Eagle) Hi Robert and Marie-Pier, Enjoyed your post and the various responses. My son Ben left the Blueberry Lean-to Saturday morning around 6 am. and was back from Seymour by 9:20 a.m. After a quick breakfast, we returned to...