"Emmons" tionnal #46 for Marie-Pier


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mountain eagle

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Jan 1, 2007
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Hello dear hickers ! I usually don't make report of my trecks because writting in english don't come easely for me... but now, I have a good reason. I said to me " Hey Mountain Eagle, move your fingers and make it for your sweet girl friend Mari-Pier !! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: A special man meeting on our trip, M. Norman Willians, said to me : " you should do it Robert ". Thanks Norman for your gentle < buttock's kicking >.

By the way, it goes like that.

Marie-Pier did it !! Her 46 ADKS hight peaks were complited on Emmons at 13h45 this last friday 22th. I'm very prood of my " Wonder Marie " and so she absolutely was on that last trip.

We arrived at Coreys road's parking on thursday later than we plan to. The original program was :

First day. 1- Go to Bluberry lean to at the beginning of the afternoon . 2- Take time to set our tent in a good spot. 3- Reach Seymour's summit about 5h00. 4- And finally, taking lunch about 7h00, relaxe...relaxe again...and quitely dreaming about 9h00.

Second day. 1- Get up not too much early, like about 7-8 o'clock; take breakfast and put some cliff bars in our packs for Seward-Donaldson-Emmons. 3- After that, take a big lunch with a little bit of champagne... Oh yeah...and finally, come back to the parking about 6-7 o'clock.

That was the < original logical plan >... :( OUPSS...the fact was a little bit different: thursday at 6h00, we were ready to go on trail. :p Our first plan was at this moment always alive in our mind but, when we arrived at the lean to at 7h45, it was in real trouble. From the parking, we made it pretty fast insted difficulties for me carrying a big pack ( an old back injury make me feel bad, anyway... ) and Marie was trying her new Gregory Z55. The eagle's wings didn't like big pack and we were always making a little adjustment here, another one there while making our way. But when we arrived, pain goes by and we were very happy to be in our element, the beautiful ADK forest !! After all set for the night, the dark was almost there and I said to Marie-Pier " I know Seymour and I don't want to make it in the dark." She aggred with me. Nom, let me tell you the < spare > plan.

1- Put the 4 little bottles of champagne in the brook near the tent
2- Take our time to prepare a great lunch until having refreshing champagne, and finally open 2 of those for lunch.
3- After that, go to sleep for the big friday!
4- Get up at 5h00, start before 6h00 for Seymour, about 9h00: having a great breakfast, and complete the trip with the others 3 before souper; come back to our car next and say goodbye to the forest !!


Marie-Pier said to me " why not loving eagle " , and that was it !

So, friday night at 9h00 in the parking, that was realy it !
Marie-Pier and I were checking out.

Like we planned, we were get up at 5h00 (for me), 5h15 (for Marie ha ha ha...), 5h45 on trail to Seymour with a beautiful sunrise up. Seymour was reach at 7h10. 20 min for taking a bear and pictures at the summit. It was very nice. I took time also to look for the way to reach Seward by ouluska pass (pinpin the 3th said to me last year that it is possible to do it and mountain eagle likes new project...). We had a nice coming back and arrived at 8h50 at campsite. At this time, I knew that Marie-Pier will be in fire for all day long and the others 3 mountains will be history by night. And so it was ! We took about 2h40 to reach Seward's summit. That's where we met Norman, a senior 46ers (geezer49), with his 19 years old twin's daugthers: Benjamin and Jessica. We had a very nice discussion with Norman and Marie-Pier was ready to go. Norman made a great job to motivate Marie and we reached the last 2 summits with Jessica and Benjamen. We arrived at Emmons for the crucial moment at 13h50, a little bit before our friends.

Like I said before, Emmons was really emotionnal for us... Marie-Pier found Emmons far far away from Donaldson, and so it was.
Wow ! Great moment of life. :) at the #46 summit.

We stayed a little time to feel this special moment on this very beautiful sunny day. The trip returning was great, Marie-Pier almost running at the end of the way down of Seward and arrived at our campsite 3h30 after Emmons leaving. At this moment, a very special thing appeared for Marie-Pier. Norman was at the lean to with an other couple that we met on Seward's summit before. These 3 persons made a standing ovation to Marie-Pier for her achivement. WOW!! :eek: Norman is a kind of person that make the world goes better and better, day by day. From our harts, thanks mister Williams (we want to know if Benjamen goes to Seymour on saterday morning for his #37 Adk's summit ?). Jessica and Benjamen are nice young adults with great experience and wellness habits for life.

After took off our boots, the last 2 little bottles of cold champagne were a pure pleasure. ;) After lunch and closing everything, we were ready at 8h00 for the last 7 km big pack of the day. Marie-Pier was again in fire like never. Her new gregory pack was well fixed on her back now and she gave me a real good shot for all of the exhaustive trips that I planned for her to finish the Adks 46 hight peaks. We took only 1h30 to came back at the Coreys road's parking. She will always surprise me :rolleyes: .

Last year, my friend Réjean (recently #115 winter northest ) gave me a gift by helping me to complete my 46 hight peaks at the same place. This year, this was my turn to help my sweet love. I'm very prood of Marie-Pier and check out to look for her on trails guys. Her nickname is "like it is " and it is her philosophy in life: simple like it is...hahaha .

Next gold for us, the 48 of New Hampshire, and we will start with our friend Réjean on monday the first of september. It will be a great trip in the presidential range with Madison's ravine way up (an original idea from our guide Réjean). It will be a pleasure to meet you there if you wat to !?


Mountain Eagle and " Like It is " ;) xx

N.B. pictures will come little bit later because I don't want to erase all of the text, like I did at the first trying... :eek:
BRAVO, bravo Marie-Pier !!

Finir les 46 c'est vraiment quelque chose, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de notre première liste.

Et, c'est la plus difficile de toutes les listes de 4000', alors, dites-vous que le reste sera ''a piece of cake '' :D :D

Thanks Julie for your great comments and support. We readed your posts on Mont Hood and Mont Rainier with a lot of interest, and we are very prood of your achivement. You made a really good progression since Mont St-Hilaire :rolleyes: you're in a good mood, cool lady of the mountains dear timmus :eek: Hope to see you soon on a bearnight in Montreal. Marie have something to tell you. Guys, it's time to practice a little bit your french :cool:

Merci merci Julie!!!

Très contente d'avoir atteint l'objectif des 46 adirondacks...ce fut un excellent défi et les autres restent a venir.... :) Donc, prête à m'attaquée au New-Hampshire à présent :D Au plaisir de se revoir soit dans les montagnes ou bien au bearnight :rolleyes:

Marie-Pier''Like it is''
Bravo Marie-Pier

:) :) Bravo Marie-Pier, pour ce défi atteint. :) :)
C'est vraiment quelque chose d'atteindre un but que l'on s'était fixé. Mais après l'avoir atteint il faut toujours s'en trouver d'autres petits ou grands. Mais de faire de la randonnée en montagne et de continuer a en faire est un grand plaisir.
Au plaisir de se voir dans un Beer Night ou dans un sentier des ADK ou du NH.
As Marc Messier might have said, "Mountain Eagle, are you a France?" :D

Toutes mes félicitations à vous deux pour cette méchante bonne mainière d'avoir terminé les ADK-46 de Marie-Pier.

Have fun in New Hampshire.

Prochaine beer night: 3ème semaine de septembre.
Congratulation to my friend Marie-Pier and Mountain Eagle (Robert)
for that great achievement. Not a lot of hiker are able to follow
Robert on his fast hike and you are one off them.

NH will be easier and no more heard path to follow.... :)
Félicitations. Tu vas voir, les Whites c'est encore "mieux" :D
JS, si les Blanches sont meilleures, crois-tu que je perde mon temps dans les Dacks? :eek:
Hahaha je savais bien que je provoquerais des réactions, Pro-ADK'ien va :p
Hey Neil et JS, on tirera ça au clair autour d'une...ou plusieurs bonnes bières au prochain beernight...hahaha Bye guys! :D
''Emmons'' tionnal #46 for Marie-Pier, pictures

Hi guys ! Thanks for all of your sweet comments. You're a great family.
Take a look at some of the moments of the big friday to make sure that you will recongnize our faces ( "binettes " in french ) in the future.

Bye bye, Robert & Marie-Pier :eek: :rolleyes:
mountain eagle said:
Hey Neil et JS, on tirera ça au clair autour d'une...ou plusieurs bonnes bières au prochain beernight...hahaha Bye guys! :D
I think this is a really good (ie. stupendous) idea. What does everybody else think?

My favorite drink: the 46er screaming eagle. 2 ounces of gin and not much else.
Neil said:
JS, si les Blanches sont meilleures, crois-tu que je perde mon temps dans les Dacks? :eek:

Neil you don't lose your time in the Dacks but you should see the white
more. Where else in the NE can we have 85 F at the trail head and need
to use our winter gear on the ridge.... and had some fun with a 60 miles/hours
wind in August. :)
Rejean said:

Neil you don't lose your time in the Dacks but you should see the white
more. Where else in the NE can we have 85 F at the trail head and need
to use our winter gear on the ridge.... and had some fun with a 60 miles/hours
wind in August. :)
I was just kidding around with my post ( as I'm sure you know). Nevertheless (néanmoins), I would like to acquaint myself with the Whites as soon as I finish my ADK master list.

I believe that you heard your master sing
When I was sick in bed
I suppose that he told you everything
That I keep locked away in my head
Your master took you traveling
Well, at least thats what you said
And now do you come back to bring
Your prisoner wine and bread
[QUOTE=Neil]I was just kidding around with my post ( as I'm sure you know). Nevertheless (néanmoins), I would like to acquaint myself with the Whites as soon as I finish my ADK master list.

Have some fun in your ADK master list. I will return in the Dacks in
two week and my plan is to hike Algonguin at night (if weather permiting).
Felicitations Marie-Pier (Like it is) et bonjour à Robert (Mountain Eagle)

Hi Robert and Marie-Pier,

Enjoyed your post and the various responses.

My son Ben left the Blueberry Lean-to Saturday morning around 6 am. and was back from Seymour by 9:20 a.m. After a quick breakfast, we returned to Corey's in an hour and a half.

Jessica is now in Ecuador for the year as a third-year International Studies student at Trent University. She called today to say that all is well in Quito. After climbing Mt. Pierce last summer, she says she is converted to the White Mountains. The mud on the Seward route was almost as memorable as that on Tabletop several years ago.

Ben returned to Saint Mary's University in Halifax as a third-year student in Geology. He is quite focussed on completing the ADK 46, and has a listing of combo peaks to do.

Jess and Ben were quite impressed with the speed at which you and Marie-Pier hike. In days gone by, I used to wait for my children. Now, they wait for me. Heel spurs on both feet are a challenge for me, so I am trying to find ways to open up the heels in my Zamberlains so that I don't take all the skin off my heels on one peak.

I look forward to meeting on mountain trails in the future.

Bonne randonnée, mes amis !

Votre ami,
