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  1. S

    Mt Cabot Trail

    Thank you all for the information. Happy New Year!
  2. S

    Mt Cabot Trail

    Is this trail open? I've heard talk that hikers are using it. Thank you in advance for any information. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  3. S

    Adarondacks From Watertown NY

    Thank you for the info. I spent about 1.5 hours there today. Hiked around the shore from the Dock trail to the Middle and Granite trails and back to the museum. It was an excellent break from driving.
  4. S

    Adarondacks From Watertown NY

    Adirondacks From Watertown NY Are there any hikes near Watertown NY? I'm leaving on a business trip Sunday. Flying into Syracuse NY and Driving 3 hrs north to Canada. I could do a side trip and arrive at my desination late Sunday night.