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  1. tb69wemt

    Brown Recluse Spider

    Here is a recent article on their changing ranges... ...enjoy:( -Tom
  2. tb69wemt

    NH law may restrict data collection on private property

    Yes...There actually are places in NH that have the last of its kind. I have spent a good part of my time and effort(along with F&G) towards saving this misunderstood and hated species. This bill would hamper these efforts...
  3. tb69wemt

    A shot of claustrophobia with a snow cave chaser

    Nice job! I am currently working on one myself. It certainly gives you a good appreciation for just how much work a true snow cave takes to build. Relying on the ability to build one quickly in an emergency is certainly a recipe for disaster. I have built many over the years and it is a learned...
  4. tb69wemt

    1/28/11 Flume Slide, Mt Flume, Mt Liberty

    Kristin and I started at 3:40 am and finished 14 hours later. Both of us ended up being awake for about 40 hours straight and managed a 14 hour back country trip at the same time….note to self: get a good nights rest before heading to the mountains. :o The Flume slide trail was packed out...
  5. tb69wemt

    Shouldn't you be working?...tag

    Shouldn't you be working?...tag
  6. tb69wemt

    Rescue helicopter crashes during hiker rescue on Baldy Peak, NM

    Well said and I could not agree more. In my experience State helicopters or private rescue(life flight type) helicopters are poorly equipped to run SAR missions. I have been a medic for several years and have been on Military helicopters(Blackhawk HH60M) and t private medivac helicopters the...
  7. tb69wemt

    TAG! you it!

    TAG! you it!
  8. tb69wemt

    Am I going to have to report you to Dave Metsky for cyber stalking me?...

    Am I going to have to report you to Dave Metsky for cyber stalking me?...
  9. tb69wemt

    Whatever happened to texolite?

    How about this :,default,pg.html I also used some of this material to make a very light weight bivy sack (13.oz) and it folds to the size of a beer can and is water proof. The downside is it is not breathable Hope these help. I will see if...
  10. tb69wemt

    Climbing/hiking with Mobile Devices – Should It Be Required?

    I know some of this topic has been beat to death on this and other forums but I thought I would share this article with everyone just to stir the pot:eek: Enjoy.. -Tom
  11. tb69wemt

    Anybody wanna match this climb?

    I have been climbing for nearly 25 years now. I have a few big walls and a FA or two under me. I had the chance to climb a 680+ foot tower several years ago and while the height was not a problem I found the fact that the tower swayed in the wind to be a bit unnerving. I imagine that a tower...
  12. tb69wemt

    thanks for the greenie!

    thanks for the greenie!
  13. tb69wemt

    socks , socks , socks

    A friend just sent me this link. Just so happens I had a 25 dollar EMS gift card given to me today also :rolleyes: So I purchased the top rated pair and can't wait to try them...
  14. tb69wemt

    Question about my First Aid Kit

    To answer your original question....As an professional I clean out my kit and restock with new stuff when ever the expiration date gets close. These replaced items never hit the trash. They go home with me and get tossed into my home med kit for use when needed. The manufactures expiration dates...
  15. tb69wemt

    Winter Backpacking Stoves

    BINGO!!!!! We have a winner!!! I have several diferent makes and model stoves many new technology stoves but when push comes to shove and the temps drop my 30 year old SVEA 123 gets the job. I have tried many times to retire it nothing compares to it when really cold.
  16. tb69wemt

    Solo Peakbagging %s

    I am only guessing but I think the percentages would be higher maybe 40-50%. I do an awful lot of hiking mid week and see far more solo hikers than groups. I have done the vast majority of my peaks solo(except for my dog). I have completed my 4 k's (summer) many years ago and did about half with...
  17. tb69wemt

    Garmin 60 series parts?

    Thanks Jay, That is pretty much the response I got from Garmin too.
  18. tb69wemt

    Garmin 60 series parts?

    I am hoping one of you on here knows of a source for Garmin parts or may have a broken Garmin 60 series you want to sell(cheaply) I have a Garmin 60 series with a Huge gouge in the display screen. It is not a little scratch that can be buffed out.It does not effect how it works or even really...
  19. tb69wemt

    Petzl Reverso 3 vs. Black Diamond ATC Guide

    Just to add more fuel to this discussion........I have both. They are both very similar I have had the Reverso for a long time so I tended to use that more often. In the last year or two I have switched over to using the Kong "Gi Gi" or the Camp "Ovo" These are the exact same devices. The Ovo...
  20. tb69wemt


    On April 1, 2010, The US Department of Defense announced its intention to give up ownership of its GPS Satellite Network, citing concerns about the mix of consumer and military traffic, and the cost to maintain the system as it experiences record growth in use. The GPS Satellite Mobile Phone...