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  1. eddie

    POLL: Your longest day?

    Longest unintentional - 16 hrs many years ago in the ADKs when my brother and I went left after the Couch Swamp and floundered on the cripplebush way off trail for a few hours on a miserably hot and buggy early July day. Longest intentional - 14 hr solo ADK Great Range traverse on a September...
  2. eddie

    Peak Bragging 2016! The Year in Review - Tell us your stories!

    In four separate trips from Pittsburgh, PA, we hiked: 7 ADK winter peaks including the Santanonis, 8 ADK summer peaks including the Sewards and HaBaSa for my daughter's 46er completion and my third round, and finally 14 NH48 peaks including a Pemi Loop backpack and a day hike up Huntington...
  3. eddie

    Andrew Drummond sets new Direttissima record

    Great response Tim. That was still an amazing feat by Andrew. OK, it's the FKT with phone battery stash and a hiking partner.
  4. eddie

    N.E. Hundred Highest--50 Years Start to Finish

    Congrats Sanbu! You prove that it's not just about peakbagging but it's also about the people we meet on our journey to the peaks. And it's not a race either. It took me 35 years from 1976 to 2011 to complete the NE115. It's been fun taking others to complete their lists too. I've met all...
  5. eddie

    MacNaughton via Hunter Pond

    Nice report and this is still on my to do list since 1979. A Patriots fan would have tried to flattened the terrain to get an advantage.
  6. eddie

    Gray Marcy and Skylight question

    Don't be spooked by the swamp plank bridge but its as dry now as it will get. I'd go that way. The bushwhack from Gray to Marcy is effectively "closed" but isn't worth the costs anyway, both time or dermatologically speaking.
  7. eddie

    FYI: Northern Pass High Voltage Transmission Project

    The Project Labor Agreement (PLA) does two things: 1) Sets a union wage rate for all prospective bidders to level the bidding playing field for open competition from larger contractors from out-of-state, who really are the ones with the capabilities to perform this scale of a project. It also...
  8. eddie

    The length of Rhode Island on The North South Trail, 4/23-4/27/15

    That's cool! Backpacker Magazine recently had an article about a Big Island traverse hike, it would be perfect to finish on. From Kilauea volcano across Mauna Kea summit to the Waipio Valley.
  9. eddie

    Ice and a Sunset-Giant's East Face: 2014 December 7

    Nice report and alternative climbing route. Great sunset photos too.
  10. eddie

    Tuckerman Ravine - 4/12/2014

    Looked like a great day!
  11. eddie

    First Presi Traverse on a Perfect Day - 9/20/13

    Congratulations to both of you! I know the feeling in your knees descending from Jackson because I did that too but it made me feel like I completeed the full traverse. Pemi Loop next year?
  12. eddie

    Baxter - Katahdin - Brothers, Fort and Coe - NEHH

    Congrats Tim and nice report.
  13. eddie

    Blank Page - Recommendations for first ADK peaks

    As an alternative I recommend Wright and Algonquin (~10mi) on Saturday. Sunday you could easily do Cascade and Porter (~6mi) in the morning. Now you'll have 5/46.
  14. eddie

    ADK 6 in 2 and Sore Feet

    With me being out of action since April recovering from a trail running knee hyper extension injury, then making a comeback in June only to suffer the dreaded Plantar fasciitis, I needed to finally get out and get some 4k peaks. I had to cancel my July 4 weekend trip to NH where I had planned a...
  15. eddie

    Adams 5 via Great Gulf, Six Husbands, Jefferson, Adams, Madison and Osgood

    Sounded like you had a great hike Tim! My and my son's first NH hike was exactly what you did (without Adams 5). I still have fond memories of that one on a crystal clear day and that kept me coming back for the rest of them.
  16. eddie

    Marshall, Cliff, Redfield and ER, 8/6/13

    Glad things turned out OK. And thanks for the reminder.
  17. eddie

    Temporary Closure of Lincoln Woods trail

    I agree and it appears that the USFS will actually perform the washout repair work. Out of curiosity, I downloaded the drawings. It appears that the contracted scope of work includes gravel trail regrading from 400 feet west of the bridge to 3400 feet north of the bridge that will bury the...
  18. eddie

    Temporary Closure of Lincoln Woods trail

    I am keeping my plans to do a Pemi Loop hike during the 2nd week of August. I will pass by the reconstruction site at around 5:00am and return through the area sometime in early evening and I do not expect any one to be around when I do so. I will leave no trace and I expect to be able to pass...
  19. eddie

    A Perfect Summer Day In The Presidential Range

    Tim, I just came across these photos on this site. Beautiful photos and what a day. I am going to post the one "Attacking Jeff's Cone with Zest" as my Facebook cover photo. Happy hiking!
  20. eddie

    Ridge Hike Info

    I didn't get to the Whites this past weekend due to less that ideal weather. Just waiting for some better weather. I have another hike I am considering - up Flume Slide, across Franconia Ridge, Garfield, Galehead, S & N Twin and out. Anybody done this? I don't think I am up for a Pemi Loop.