04-02 Tabletop-Marcy-Gray-Marcy-Loj


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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Myself and my son Dominic plan on tackling this hike early in the am. from S. Meadows, hopefully on skis at least to the Phelps turnoff continuing on snowshoes after that. Gray will be our 44th high peak. Let me know here if your interested.
Can't make that weekend, but am curious, what are your last 2 peaks once you bag Gray? And when do you Plan to bag them. All the good numbers have been taken for crying-out-loud :D
Our last 2 are Emmons and RPR. The former we hope to get on the Memorial day weekend and the grand finale on Rocky has no date set as yet but I guess it'll be our next one.