#1 Mt Waumbek 9-29-13


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Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Canaan, NH
With the excellent weather and foliage this past weekend, I decided that Mt Waumbek would be an awesome place to visit. :roll: Actually, I had plans for the afternoon so my time was limited. But not too limited. I didn't want to drive 4 hours (2 each way) for 7.2 miles so I came up with three objectives. Waumbek was the first.

Marlie and I arrived at the TH at 6:15 and were on trail 15 min later. We were the only ones there.


We headed up the Starr King Tr with just enough light to see and eventually made it up to Mt Starr King where the view was good.


The view was better just past the summit od Mt Waumbek.


We only stayed at the view for about 10 minutes, enough time for us both to eat and water up, the headed back to Mt Starr King. Just before reaching the hardwoods (about 2 mi from the TH) we met the first people of the day. It would reach a total of 16 and 4 dogs.

We reached the parking lot at 10:00am. It was full and overflowing down the entry way. The car just pullig in must have very happy since I opened up a space right next to the kiosk. We were then off to the next oblective.

The 5 pics: https://plus.google.com/photos/117581678131843187857/albums/5929180291638635185

NETC: http://www.newenglandtrailconditions.com/nh/viewreport.php?entryid=14085