10 places to paddle from the Boston Globe


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2003
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Newton, MA
Some good suggestions here with a few must see but not my top 10 in New England.


I'd leave out the harbors, as scenic as they are, because I prefer undeveloped over developed areas and those harbors can be treacherous in busy seasons when the stinkpots are out.

I'd add more of northern New England ponds, lakes, streams and endless coastal Maine. Also add Nauset, Pleasant, Little Pleasant and Waquoit Bays on Cape Cod. The rivers of eastern and central Mass., centrally located though they are, offer scenic quiet paddles rich in wetlands wildlife.
I have paddled 6 off the ten,and they were good reccommendations. Have sailed Champlain,and it seems like a good spot to paddle as well. I would add Casco Bay/Harpswell Sound area,as well as Muscongus Bay,two of my favorites.
I would add Casco Bay/Harpswell Sound area,as well as Muscongus Bay,two of my favorites.

Those areas are both among my favorites, too, Dan. Casco Bay has something for everyone and one really nice launching area.
Although it's notoriously crowded, Deer Isle, with its many paddling options, still deserves to be on the list. With an early, weekday start it is as varied and scenic as anything else listed. Also the Muscle Ridge Channel Islands are up there for scenery and paddling interest.
Another, deservedly popular trip is the Around Gerrish Island paddle and its variations, from Portsmouth or Kittery Point. The latter starting point avoids Portsmouth's commercial traffic :eek:.

Crowded, but I always thought that Stonington/Penobscot Bay was usually number one on any list. The driving distance from NY has thus far prevented me from ever going there, but the desire is strong. Muscongus and Casco bay are closer so may have to do for a first Maine sea kayaking paddle.

Even closer but fairly small territory-CT Thimble Islands.
The whole Penobscot bay is a great place to paddle, from Muscle Ridge on the west to Vinal Haven archepelago, to Stongington/Isle au Haut.

I've been luck to have paddling around Penobscot bay, doing a circumnavigation of Vinalhaven and North Haven, as well as paddling off of Stonington along the islands and Isle au Haut. Nice mixture of protected islands and open water. I've heard a lot about the Muscle Ridge islands but have not been over there yet. The Maine Island Trail, of course, passes through those areas and offer camping opportunities and stuff.

Driving time, Casco Bay is surely the closest, but the commerical shipping lanes and heavier boat traffic around Portland are not that attractive versus going further north.