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Jul 4, 2007
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Home: Fulton, NY: Wright W46 finish
Winter Gathering 2010, Feb. 20th. Signed up for Esther/Whiteface because I needed Esther for summer. Missed it 3 yrs. ago after buring my lungs on Cold air and a fellow hiker broke her ankle on decent. Was Not looking forward to This one. She had been a long time coming for my regular round. So 6:30am 1adam12, Seth, adirobdack46 and myself start the journey. Lucky for me it was much better this time around. Headed out from research center up Marble was snow packed without tracks from wind. Wind today was strong, like 25+MPH. Was protected most day but could hear it. Socked in with No views just above Marble Mountain all day. Had swapped shoes with Robert, my tubbs for his Msr to see if they might be a new purchase. After few miles i wasnt sure cause the bindings seemed to be tight on my boots like I had heard from many. Readjusted looser and i think that feeling went away. Came to really like there grip. Then I had a thought, put up the televators. WoW, that really made uphill much better. I dont think tubbs offers thin on any of there models, and so i become to like them very much, so much I didn't want to off to give them back to him only once.. The day was just pleasant. We reached the "Rock" to which the trail splits and decide Whitface first so off we go.

Was not Long and we reached "Pink Floyds", the Wall. Robert was busting out trail all day of couple inches but here snow was deeper. Tried to follow his tracks but slide back everytime so we busted our own until we where going horizontal along the wall. Reached the road and here we suited up full gear. Facemasks, goggles and another set of mittens for me. Popped up and the wind was stiff. Walked the road to the top and climbed stairs which everything around was encrusted beautifully with snow. Did I mention the Wind It was blowing even harder up thru the stairs. Whoot!! We all reach the top and snap pics and comment on its Lack of Views. Prepairing to leaving Robert says he's taking the Ridge back, my thought is Not me. He is determined to go so give him a two-way radio just in case. At the last moment i was like , ok lets go. All along i'm thinking I cant let him go it alone for saftey. Well As much as I didn't think it was a great idea, it was. One spot was hairy but after that it was fresh deep powder so glissade down and at one point was quiet and no wind. Adam and Seth went back down the stairs. I think we made the road in like 8 minutes!! Took some pics that where just sweet. Waited for those guys below the wall and ran into Kilp59 and wife. The there was a wave of people coming up the trail.

After we all gathered back up it was off to Esther for my #43 summer round. She had evaded me for many years and this time was my time to put her down in the books. Made great time back to the "rock" and up and over to Esther Running into 4 people and a Dog. Thanks for breaking it out guys. Nice walk there weaving in and out of the trees. Finally, Number 43 is in the books....The feeling made me choke up a bit as I was just getting there. All theses Peaks and the time and effort I have put into them, the people I've meet just overcame me. Nobody saw this so Don't tell Robert or adam. Seth was not here cause he had done Bigslide the day before and was out of Climb in his legs so he headed down. A couple pics with the Whiz Brothers and we had an uneventful hike out. Wish I was able to get that Quicky sled at Ems which where sold out cause this is the perfect mountain to use it on, mostly down marble. There was alot of blowdown though, more than I remember before. One more thing, We where all takin back from the new Cut where the ski road it along with seeing the chairlift as it was not there 3 yrs ago, for sure a surprise!! Back at the truck around 3:45pm with only one thing left to do, PARTY DOWN AT THE ARK!!!

Thanks to all for a great outting. Now march 6th i attempt 2 more, sky/gray for my summer and winter rocker....which If you can't add puts me at 45...Ya thats right...One more to finish, Dix... Now only if the weather participates to allow me and others to summit them..

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Nice work, Rob!! It was great to see you again, and glad that you had a successful hike. See ya out in the woods someday!