2020 Grid and Related Finishers


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Oct 4, 2006
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New Hampshire
From Hiker Ed:

Grid Finishers 2020    
       Name                                        Date           Final Peak
#91    Bob Watkins                                 Jan 13         West Bond
#92    Rachel Ball                                 Feb 9          Cannon Mt.
#92    Rich Gamble                                 Feb 9          Tecumseh
#94    Summerset Banks                             Feb 17         Galehead
#95    Bill Freitas                                Feb 23         Mt Washington
#96    Ryan Mitchell                               Mar 21         Mt Cabot
#97    Armand Turcotte                             Mar 22         Lafayette
#98    Christopher Lawrie                          May 20         Monroe
#99    Todd MacDonald                              May 23         South Twin
#99    Leah Lawry                                  May 23         Lafayette
#101   Michelle Kingsbury                          Aug 2          Garfield
#102   Cory Ahonen                                 Sept 6         West Bond
#103   John Pike                                   Sept 20        Middle Tripyramid
#104   Chris Scott                                 Nov 7          Jefferson
"2nd" Grid.    2020
Mike Innes                                         Oct 3          Isolation
"7th" Grid.     2020
Ed Hawkins                                         Feb 2          Jefferson
Tim Muskat                                         Dec 3          Carrigain
"Complete Grid".   "Start to Finish After Age 60".     2020
Al Aldrich                                         Feb 1          Jefferson
Chris Scott                                        Nov 7          Washington
"Complete Grid".     "Start to Finish After Age 65"
Chris Scott                                        Nov 7          Washington
"Complete Grid".     "Start to Finish After Age 70".       2020
Ed Hawkins                                         Feb 21         Mt Lincoln
Van Adriance                                       Dec 16         Mt Flume
Red Line Finishers 2020.   All 30th edition of AMC White Mountain Trail Guide.
#56    Ryman McLane                                July 7         Falls in the River Trail
#57    Chris Higgins                               Aug 7          Red Ridge Trail
#58    Karl Ugger Holt                             Aug 9          Kodak Trail
#59    Fred Wijnen Riems                           Aug 23         Glenside Trail
#59    Elizabeth Kane                              Aug 23         Beaver Brook Trail
#61    Ken Robichaud                               Sept 20        Gates Brook Trail            29th edition
#61    Karen Robichaud                             Sept 20        Gates Brook Trail            29th edition
#63    Philip Carcia                               Sept 28        Boot Spur Link Trail
#64    Theresa Gerene                              Oct 11         West Side Trail
#64    Liam Cooney                                 Oct 11         Cherry Mt Trail ( East )
  Note:   Philip completed his Red-Line Journey in 99 days, 9 1/2 hours.
          Start:     June 21, 2020           Velvet Rocks Trail
          Finish:   Sept 28, 2020            Boot Spur Link Trail
Red Line.   AMC Southern NH Trail Guide.  4th Edition.        2020
Every Calendar Day Finishers 2020
#23    Donald Slick                                Feb 29         Mt Colden,  NY
#24    Rick Balboni                                July 31        Mt Porter,  NY
#25    Jason Beaupre                               Oct 22         Mt Liberty
#26    Dorothy Corey                               Dec 25         Pierce
Firetower List Finishers 2020
Dawn Beale                                         Sept 24        Middle Sister Chocorua
Andy Furey                                         Sept 24        Middle Sister Chocorua
Bill Cronin                                        Dec 27         Pawtuckaway ( South )
NH 200 Highest Peaks 2020

Bill Cronin                                        June 14        Shoal Pond Peak
NH 200 Highest Peaks    "Winter"    2020
NH 300 Highest Peaks 2020
John McHugh                                        July 26        Blue Brook Shelter
Beth Zimmer                                        July 24        South Shoal Pond
Bill Cronin                                        Aug 2          Pond Hill Peak
NH 300 Highest Peaks      "Winter"     2020
NH 2000 Footers 2020
Bill Cronin                                        Aug 2          Pond Hill Peak
Brian & Mary Bond                                  Aug 8          Lamb Valley Brook
John McHugh                                        Aug 16         Hix Mountain
Beth Zimmer                                        Aug 16         Hix Mountain
Rick & Lisa Fregeolle                              Oct 25         Sweat Pond Peak
NH 500 Highest Peaks 2020
Bill Cronin                                         Aug 2         Pond Hill Peak
Brian & Mary Bond                                   Aug 8         Lamb Valley Brook
John McHugh                                         Aug 16        Hix Mountain
Beth Zimmer                                         Aug 16        Hix Mountain
Rick & Lisa Fregeolle                               Oct 10        Signal Ridge Parking Lot Peak
"NH 48"   "After the Age of 70"        2020
Jack Barry                                          Aug 26        South Twin
Mike Bromberg                                       Apr 4         Cabot
Jeff Cutter                                         Sept 25       Tecumseh
Joe Danna                                           Sept 3        Moosilauke
Thom Davis                                          Oct 12        North Tripyramid
Mark DeVost                                         Oct 28        Waumbek
Gina Geck                                           Aug 6         Moriah
Mike Gfroerer                                       Sept 28       Garfield
Chris Hallowell                                     June 15       Moriah
Ron Kusner                                          Mar 13        Moriah
Dexter Robinson                                     Sept 16       Carrigain
Jane Welche                                         Aug 20        Washington
Scott Whitehill                                     Aug 14        Garfield
Betsy Whitmore                                      July 29       Jackson
"NH 48"    After the Age of 70"     "Winter Season"     2020
Al Aldrich                                          Feb 1         Jefferson
Bengt Karlson                                       Mar 3         Bondcliffs
Ron Kusner                                          Mar 13        Moriah
Jadwiga Rosenthal                                   Mar 3         Bondcliffs
Chris Scott                                         Feb 23        Waumbek
"NH 48"     "After the Age of 75"      2020
Bengt Karlson                                       Nov 29        Wildcat "D"
Sandy Price                                         Dec 28        Tecumseh
"NH 48"      "After the Age of 75"     "Winter Season"       2020
Van Adriance                                        Mar 16        Pasaconaway
There is an official Every calendar day list???? I've been tracking list since the 90's and have 38 left for round one and more than 1/2 way past round two. Is there a definition of what is considered a hike? With Covid, I've got a bunch of days in the local state parks, state forests, scout camp and town areas.

(I'm a Scout Hiking Merit Badge Counselor and where I've counted rail trail miles for the scouts as a hike, I never counted those days as a hike for me, just as a walk, I may have to go back and check those dates, however, since I was tracking on my own, I'll probably not count the rail trail as my hike or walk is more important that "the list" now.)

Congratulations to those who have been to those peaks I think about never doing more than each season. Getting to the Bonds, Franconia Ridge and others is it's own reward.
Thanks, a 4K everyday. I have too many duplicates dates but I know have another spreadsheet to work on
I'd never heard of Hiker Ed until I hiked Isolation and he had led a group up there a couple years ago. Another AMC hike leader I talked to was surprised I'd never met him before. Passed his group again walking out on Rocky Branch trail after I broke my foot crossing the stream. That was a very painful 4 miles. I guess he's hiker famous?
Ed was a long term AMC trip leader for many years. Probably the most prolific they ever had. He explained to me that at some point he and AMC parted company when they decided that he was "not qualified" to run hikes anymore.

He is or was a major fan of PBR post hike.
Just thinking of 84 trips to Owl's Head makes me think I have a better chance of climbing something with a view that I enjoy like Monadnock or easier to get to with a view like Wachusett
7 rounds of the Grid? I am assuming that is the most, or has someone done it more times than that?
I was also particularly impressed with the 48 in winter over age 75.

Someday I want to do Owl's Head by bushwhacking from the back of Lincoln; I think that would be a fun approach.
Keep in mind some folks dont actively keep track of the summits they climb. There is individual in Sandwich that hikes almost constantly, I dont think he keeps track in a public manner. I have met a couple of folks over the years that claim to have redlined the WMG long before it got popular to track it. I may have a big % of a WMG Redline but I only keep track by memory.
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I used to trace over the trails I hiked with a red pen when I started hiking in the 60s. Thankfully, the thought of hiking trails just to trace them out in red never occurred to me.