46 Finish on Saddleback


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Mzadk and I finished our last forty sixth peak on Friday July 30th on Saddleback mountain.
On Wednesday, July 28th we hiked from the Garden to Johns Brook Lodge where we stayed for four nights. We had seven of the Great Range Mountains to do to finish our forty six. After arriving at the lodge and dropping off our packs, we decided to do Gothics, Armstrong, and Upper Wolfjaw leaving at about ten in the morning from the lodge. We had great weather and soon we found our way up to the cables on the Gothics slides. This was to be a high point of our week and a lot of fun. Soon we were at the top and as an added bonus discovered a Colvin bench mark at the top, probably over 100 years old. We ate lunch and then moved on to Armstrong.
We made Armstrong in pretty time and then it started to sprinke a bit. So after snapping a few photos, we left for Upper Wolf Jaw. It never really did rain however and so we were lucky.
After a few minutes on Upper Wolf Jaw, we descended quickly back to the Lodge to enjoy dinner and conversation with the other lodge guests.
The next day, we were slackers and hiked up to Lower Wolfjaw only. After lunch at the summit, we went back down to the lodge and had a dip in the brook to clean off.
The next day, we headed out early to Haystack, Basin and Saddleback. When we got to the Haystack spur, it looked like it could rain. We made our way quickly out to Little Haystack and then on to Haystack itself and enjoyed some of the best fews we've seen in the ADK's. After lunch, we headed back over Little Haystack and then on to Basin, descending 1100 feet to the Col. Pretty soon we found ourselves on top of Basin, number 45. The fews were beautiful to the west and the skies had cleared. Next on to Saddleback which we were not prepared for. We reached the wall on Saddleback and I said to Mark, maybe I'll never make it to being a forty-sixer. But then we looked at our options and for the best routes up this wall. I went one way around a protruding rock and Mark found a better way. We then set out for the next move. We still had doubts about scaling this cliff. However, we had come this far, and decided to keep trying. Somehow, we made steady progress and made it to the top of the wall. Soon we were at the summit and were forty-sixers. It had been a long process over three years and we finally made it.
We made our way back down to the lodge where my nephew and his son were waiting to join us for the weekend. We had a few celebratory drinks and a nice dinner at the lodge.