46r Dinner This Sunday


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We're going, and we might receive our Trail Work Patch, if we actually work Saturday ( :rolleyes: ) and if the administrators of the patch have enough time to get us our patches.

The administrator checks the list of hours up until a few hours before the meeting.......HOWEVER.... if it is known that Saturday's work brings you to a patch, there is a fair chance that you'll be assigned the task of moving that overflowing privy......

Shoulda kept your mouth shut, Tom.
I will be there, but I've been patched a few too many times.....

All I'm good at is trail work and happy hour (but I will leave the privy relocations to the experts). :)
"All I'm good at is trail work "

So Joe we can assume you are the new trailmaster. Len Grubbs retired a few weeks ago from his position opening a spot that only someone of your character and abilities can assume to its full potential.
Barring the alliance of the stars in a particular order, I'm planning to work with the Trail Crew on Saturday, but unfortunately, will be unable to participate in the banquet & annual meeting.
Dream Farmer and myself will be going. We plan to hike Esther earlier in the day.

BlackSpruce I hope we can connect. You're my correspondent. I'm a little behind with my letters. :eek:
Yes, I will be there from about 4PM and at first sitting at the end of the long table to the right of the entrance where 46-Rs can buy stuff. So please come introduce yourself to the old lady with short grey hair.
Yes, I will be there from about 4PM and at first sitting at the end of the long table to the right of the entrance where 46-Rs can buy stuff. So please come introduce yourself to the old lady with short grey hair.

Sure thing.

I'll be easy to recognize. I look like Pete's older brother. :eek:

Bigger, older, balder, more grey in my bearded, better dressed and wiser. :rolleyes::p
"All I'm good at is trail work "

So Joe we can assume you are the new trailmaster. Len Grubbs retired a few weeks ago from his position opening a spot that only someone of your character and abilities can assume to its full potential.

If the position has been offered to someone, I have not heard about it. With all the strong and smart young people available, who would want an old man with short gray hair? :)

I was just referring to going out to Indian Pass or Wallface Ponds on Saturday.

Man am I impressed! The room was packed. The awards line went out the door and down the hall.

What a happy atmosphere, great crowd. I love hanging out with hiking folks. I recognized a lot of people that I only knew the names of. Meet some new folks, got to say hello to many. Still more to meet.

Hikers come in all size, shapes and ages. I was paticularly impressed with the people in their 90s!

I'm glad I attended.

Very exciting.

Very motivating.

I'll be back.

Pete is a minister?
I saw you too but didn't make it over. Congratulations to you and your wife on your service awards. :cool:

As I looked around the room there were a lot of people there for the first time to get their award but there we also a lot of 46Rs there supporting this meeting. Some of them for a very long time and for no other reason other than the love of it. Nice company to keep.
The 275 finishers of the 2009 class is an all time record and so was the dinner attendance at about 380!

A great evening as always.

A wonderful evening! Nice to see you, Rickie. Enjoyed dinner and some laughs! Fran and I had our correspondent a little nervous...he looked at us and said, "I think I missed you guys..."

We told him no, we're just lurking this year, but will be back for real in 2011!