46r Dinner This Sunday


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I didn't make the banquet, but did have a fun, and hopefully productive, day with the trail crew. We had a good group made up of AdkHPers & VFTTers, led by the Rev. Pete, that worked the section between Summit Rock & Scott Pond Clearing. It was a pleasure to meet and work with you all.
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I think it was 295 finishers last year.

That was my son with the list of his mountains and dates climbed painted on the back of his shirt.

Raymond, thank you for pointing out my error, yes 2009 had 295 finishers!

1995: 274
1998: 198
1999: 208
2002: 218
2006: 221
2007: 248
2008: 173

The year 2008 we suspect was a bit lower because of the first with high gasoline prices. 2010 already looks like a large class...