5-11 and 5-12: Tabletop, Marcy, Skylight, Lake Colden, Avalance, to and from Loj


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Sep 12, 2005
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Western PA
All areas mentioned: substantial runoff from snow melt, muddy condition, high stream crossings.

Loj to Marcy: Trail is in nice shape and you can make good time until you encounter snow. Be prepared for significant snow above 3700' on Marcy from the Loj. Trail is well packed, but high in the middle due to compaction by hikers and melting slowly. Above treeline is easy, with some snowfields, easily traversed.

Table top: Trail is poorly broken. Melting and thawing and less traffic have wrecked havoc on this unmarked path, especially early on. Definitely use snowshoes for this especially at the start. If not expect to fall through from you knee to hips in depth.

Marcy to Skylight: I used snowshoes. Trail is more like the heardpath to Tabletop in nature.

Skylight around to Lake Colden and Avalanche Lake and back to the Loj. Excessive, irritating compacted snow, several feet in depth. Wear snowshoes. Expect slow going. Watch out for runoff traps where there is running water under the snow and ice and wet areas that have raised timber xings. Potential for injury is high is in a hurry. Not a lot of foot traffic recently until Avalanche Lake where from there to the Loj the snow rapidly disappears as you move away from the cliffs.

Pics: http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/563426538HsAcPM
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