5 days? Yeah right!


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He's in the flats around 3600' near the Imp between N Carter and Moriah as of just a couple minutes ago.
I thought I saw a route on Isolation yesterday (Tue 12/28) but it's vanished from the SPOT report.

And there's a kink going up Carter Dome and I remember the trail as fairly straight - drop a mitten or SPOT error?

I deleted the "test run" data points yesterday on Isolation so that they wouldn't confuse folks if they started tracking Ryan this morning.

And sometimes it throws in kinks, that's for sure. Ryan and Tim discussed that before he decided to use it and decided that having some points was better than not.

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Go Ryan! Wish I could be there helping. Best I can do is to send good vibes from the West Coast!

And hey, this is fun: Watching the Spot tracker map is like "watching" an ultra race online. :)
Had to skip Moriah today. Took three strong hikers 14 hours to break out the Cats Moriah traverse to the Stony brook junction.I caught up to them just after the shelter spur so I decided to skip Moriah which wasn't broken out and hike down with them so we could regroup.
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The plan for tomorrow is Prezzie traverse Tom, Field, Willey and then come back for a rematch with Moriah! Bedtime....
Day One Update

Ryan asked me to share the following stats from day one:

Total Hiking Time: 13 hours 50 minutes
Average HR: 135
Calories Burned: 10,000+

Having helped to break out Cabot, the Wildcats, and the Carters over the past two days, I can say with 100% conviction that conditions are TOUGH right now. The snow does not pack down well even after 2-3 snowshoes worth of traffic.


Ryan is doing one heck of a job and I know he's going to continue to push hard and knock this record out of the park!

Check back later for more pictures and hopefully an extended report... but for now, off to do more trail breaking ;).
Love the team effort that this sort of event brings out in many people. I think it's fair to say that as amazing an athlete and hiker as Farmer is, he couldn't do this alone this year! That is BY NO MEANS minimizing the feat, but merely highlighting the wonderful community of hikers we have in the Whites!
Whiteface/Passaconaway will be done as a traverse with the Tripyramids, so we'll be looking to break out Kate Sleeper, Rollins, and Dicey Mill. Looks like there has already been traffic heading down from Passaconaway from the Kanc which is great!

Right now the biggest challenges ahead of us are the Garfield Ridge trail (from Garfield to Gale River), the Twinway (from Gale River to Zealand), and the Bondcliff trail. I'm not sure if there's been any traffic out there since the storm. A group of us will be heading out tomorrow to pack down as much as we can. Any beta is appreciated!
I think it's going to depend on conditions; but given the information that's available right now (namely, that Zealand Rd is only plowed to just past the Sugarloaf trailhead), I'm guessing that the Firewarden's Trail (via Seven Dwarfs) will be used.

Paradox, Henry and myself will break this out tomorrow.

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