5th Annual Adirondack BBQ and Hiker Gathering


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Nothing is needed to be brought at all. But it is a pot luck on saturday and mucho beer is consumed.
peak_bgr said:
It's definatly Nippletop and Dial on Friday. Via Gravestone Brook down to Hunter Pass.

Saturday is wide open for me. But nothing huge, I need to be back to cook. How about a bushwhack up Big Slide then down over the Brothers??
Have you dropped off Nippletop into Hunter Pass before? Brian has all the cliffs figured out? What time you heading out on Friday?

How about a HH on Sat? :D But, a whack up to BS would be okay.

num num num said:
Ok, thanks, is there a list of what is needed to be brought?
Spence won't be the one to mention this, but a BBQ tradition is that you bring "some" locally brewed beer for the community beer chest. We end up with all kinds of regional brews to taste and Spence gets to keep what's left. To a large extent it's a "share fest" for munchies as well as breakfast. There's electricity close to the house that supplies coffee (teejay -?? you coming?) and toasters in the AM

Bring a lawn chair and some great stories and a musical instrument if you are inclined.
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bubba, of course I'll be there. Gotta keep up the perfect attendance. Also, wouldn't want to be responsible for anyone's severe caffeine withdrawal.

Spence, are you planning on heading out to Crickets Friday night?

I'm thinking of heading up Wed. afternoon and camping on Coreys Road and doing Seward and Donaldson (maybe Emmons,too) (Calkins Brook route) on Thursday before heading over to E'town. Anyone's welcome to join me.

I'm considering either Redfield and Cliff or East Dix for the Saturday as these are 3 of the 4 I have left of the 46. It would have to be a very early start to get back for the BBQ, Beer and Party though so I may consider something a lot shorter, especially if the weather doesn't co-operate.
Sounds like a plan. Hiking is set. Porta Potties will be here wednesday, tent will be here wed-thurs.

Bubba-we don't plan much, we just go and see what we find. There's always a way around cliffs. It's only about 0.8 miles into Hunter Pass.

Gillian-happy to here you can make it. Want to join in on some bushwhacking?
TeeJay: have fun in the sewards, too bad you couldn't make my trip, it was a nice weekend there.

I'll probably be there sometime friday afternoon... hopefully early enough to meet your Cricket's outting thingamajing..

I may be buying a used kayak that morning from somebody in PA but I should be up there in the afternoon.

Plans are still on for Marcy/Skylight/Gray saturday..

I'm thinking some place different this year. Maybe Baxter Mountain Tavern or Tip a Canoe. We can decide that on Friday.
I'm sure that was exagerated. 4.5 hours for 0.8 miles. Would be very hard to believe. Going down hill, I would quess no more than 2 hours.
peak_bgr said:
I'm thinking some place different this year. Maybe Baxter Mountain Tavern or Tip a Canoe. We can decide that on Friday.

Could you post where you are going sometime Friday as we may come straight to the eatery before setting up camp at your place.

I've eaten at Tip-a canoe about 4 times this year already.... it's very good and reasonably priced but wouldn't mind trying the BMT either.
I'd chose Tip a Canoe more because I've never been there but keep hearing about it.

Paradox: Hey, long time no see, we are thinking of the Loj to Feldspar to Skylight->Gray->Marcy in some fashion. I'm not alone as Tmax, 7Summits, Harry K, and a few non VFTTrs will be there, you're welcome to hike with us, should be fun and so far, a nice weather day.

Paradox said:
Do you have a route planned? I doubt I can keep up with you, but I am thinkin' of starting with you.

I can't keep up with Jay either, but I'll be doing this loop. Hopefully the weather will be helpful! I don't know what rreport Jay read but weather.com is calling for thunderstorms this weekend:(.
Oh, I'm reading weather for NJ.. Of course, the last two weekends they said would be bad in Lake Placid and Stowe, VT too but we had pretty good weather! I'd probably worry about the forecast if it said Sunny and Clear at this point.

TJ: I don't care where we go, I've been to the Baxter Mtn Inn place which is great but I always like to try different places. :)

No quesadillas

Craig and I will be joining you all sometime on Friday. Our original plans had us hiking up Mansfield on Friday and then continuing on to the BBQ. Not sure if that will still happen.

I apologize, but I will not be bringing quesadillas this year. I was just diagnosed with Lyme Disease and I have absolutely ZERO energy (which is why we may not hike on Friday - we'll see). But we will be there to see all of you (even if I don't hike all weekend). And Craig will make a corn and blackbean salad, and I may make a mango/blackbean salsa as well as some hummus.

Can't wait to start feeling better. Just got on the meds, but I really feel like I have been hit by a truck!

See you on sometime on Friday.

Little Bear

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