7 Habits for Happy Hiking.


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una_dogger said:
Neil's list could go on to infinity if we tried to customize it to everyone :eek:
I think every possible thing you can do to get ready for a hike can be put under one of the headings. Number 6 is a catch all.

Like I said, I have the headings printed up and taped to my gear closet door. I read 'em over and over again but it's numbers 4 & 6 that resonate the most. In a way they are in opposition to each other, there's tension between the two.

The more you want to bight off, the more respect you need to have.

Funny thing about training and being in shape. If I hike every 2 weeks I see that as a micro-cycle and train accordingly, then I accord myself 2 days of rest before the event - unh, I mean, the hike. Then, during nearly every hike I go on I swear to myself that "one of these days" I will really have to get in shape. It's a never ending battle. :D
Neil said:
. Then, during nearly every hike I go on I swear to myself that "one of these days" I will really have to get in shape. It's a never ending battle. :D

That is tooo funny! I say the same thing to myself *all the time*!

One of the things I love the most about hiking is how long the hiking high lasts.....if I hike during the weekend, I am walking on a happy cloud until midweek, and as soon as it starts to wear off a little bit, I just refocus and plan another hike to keep me happy until the weekend comes!
Very interesting, UnaDogger...

I completely agree, too: The "buzz" of a good hike lasts a couple of days, unlike the buzz of downhill skiing. Hiking is a good glass of wine, leaves you feeling mellow and relaxed and at peace with the world. DH skiing is crack cocaine*, a big rush, a fast come-down, and you're immediately scheming how to score again, making Monday mornings very hard indeed.

OK, gotta go, the slopes call (no, I don't have a problem)... Happy hiking!

* I only know what I read about crack. No overweight middle-aged dads were injured in the making of this post.
timmus said:
It is just me or Neil's thread drifted ????

It's titled : 7 habits for HAPPY hiking, not SAFE hiking.

DougPaul said:
Maybe its just me, but I always figured that the two were correlated.


LOL! One would hope so, wouldn't one? ;) :rolleyes: :)
DrewKnight said:
The "buzz" of a good hike lasts a couple of days, unlike the buzz of downhill skiing. Hiking is a good glass of wine, leaves you feeling mellow and relaxed and at peace with the world.
Sustained strenuous exercise (eg hiking, running (runner's high), weight lifting, whirling dervishes, etc) is a form of meditation. A full day's worth of hiking builds up enough endorphins to last a few days--and then you need a new "fix".


So maybe we are all just a bunch of endorphin junkies... :)
