7th Annual Gathering of Adirondack Winter Climbers 3/27/04


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Active member
Nov 14, 2003
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Canton, NY. Avatar: Mt. Washington in Winter:
Saturday, March 27, 2004
For the last six years, there has been a dinner gathering of Adirondack winter hikers. It’s always on the first Saturday after the end (always 3/21) of official 46er Winter. It's a gathering, not an official meeting, so there's no agenda, business, awards, voting, etc. The only semi-formal part of the evening is when people who have just finished their Winter 46 introduce themselves and say something about their experience. It’s a way to get together for several warm (deservedly so!) hours of recollecting, storytelling, face stuffing, foible jabbing, plan making, and potential hiking partner meeting. You may even meet the people who go with the names you’ve seen in trail registers, or still remember from the summit canisters. It’s nice to be able to sit and talk at length with fellow hikers without getting cold, breathless, or way behind the rest of the group. You don’t need to have done all 46 in winter to attend, and family is also welcome, if you think it wise to let them meet us.
It will be at the Black Bear Restaurant in Lake Placid. There will be finger food from 5-6PM and dinner will start at 6. The menu hasn’t been finalized yet, so stay tuned to this site for upcoming details. We’re not taking RSVP’s yet. This posting is just to let you know 2 months in advance so you can totally rearrange your life if necessary. :D
Update, Menu, Now taking RSVP's

7th Annual Gathering of Winter Adirondack Climbers
Black Bear Restaurant, Lake Placid
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Social hour 5-6PM
Dinner 6PM $17/adult

Now taking RSVP's

There’s a social hour (cash bar) from 5-6PM, and dinner begins at 6PM. This year it will cost $17, which includes free hors d’oeuvres during the social hour, soda, coffee, dessert, tax, and a $1 gratuity. Children 5-12 are $9, and children under 5 are free.
The menu:
Roast turkey and trimmings
Stuffed sole
Vegetarian lasagna,
Salad bar with 3 soups (the Black Bear makes great soups!)
Roasted red potatoes, mixed grilled vegetables
Dessert (choice of pie or something chocolate).

Directions to The Black Bear: 157 Main St. Across from the parking lot by the skating arena. If you're coming from Keene or the Loj, it's on the right beyond the skating arena and post office, but before you get to the Golden Arrow Motel and Goldberries(also on the right.)

If you have an old name tag or button from a previous 46er meeting or elsewhere, please bring it so we’ll get to know each other more easily.
We need to have an approximate head count by March 23rd so the management can order and prepare accordingly. To RSVP, or for questions, e-mail me.
[email protected] If RSVPing, please put "rsvp" in subject line. Thank you.
PS. The first 3 winters, it was held at High Peaks Base Camp in the Jay/Wilmington area. At HPBC, there were bunks, a tent area, showers, and space to eat and socialize. HPBC closed, and we haven’t found another place in the area with all that. If you know of a place where we can have everything HPBC had, plus really good food, please let me know!
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lets celebrate another great winter!

I sure have met a lot of winter hikers counting down their last 10 peaks this season...and a few repeaters (mark-barb-junior). I'm looking forward to getting together with everyone who joins in the celebration, especially those who frequent VFTT.

See you at the meeting Mark. Already RSVP. We'll need to say "A Prayer of Thanks, to our Beloved Grace," in a moment of silence. As if it weren't for her and her wonderful club, none of this would be possible.
Last minute Reminder

This is just a reminder in for those who weren't sure about being able to attend until the last minute.
The dinner gathering will be this Saturday, so please let me know if you're coming by tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you.
FWIW, neither weather site I checked mentioned snow in their extended forecast for Saturday.

reminder-name tags or stickers

Just a reminder to those coming to the dinner gathering on Saturday: If you have an old name tag from a previous 46er meeting, or even a painfully boring conference you once attended, please bring it to the dinner. Put whatever info you want on it besides your name, such as:
Where you're from
climbing #
# of winter peaks you've done, or when you completed your Winter 46
VFTT name

We hope to have some blank tags or stickers there, so don't worry if you forget yours or don't have one.
If everyone show up, there will be about 70 of us, including 4 who finished in the early 70's, and at least 4 who finished this winter.
See you Saturday!

Mark Lowell
Brief report and giving proper credit

It was a very enjoyable get together from what I saw and comments heard. There were 65 adults and 3 five-year olds. The food was plentiful, various, and very good. There were 4 people who finished the Winter 46 in the early 70's, before there were large groups out packing trails and paths, and before the new-fangled metal snowshoes.
I'd like to try to set straight one oversight at the dinner. I had written down a reminder to mention 3 other people who contributed to making the gathering a success. Unfortunately, I didn't have that paper in hand when the recognitions began. When someone thanked me for my efforts, I completely forgot about what I had written down, and feel like a heel for not at least remembering Peggy.
Peggy MacKellar talked to the Black Bear owner about the menu, and she agreed to be the telephone contact person for those receiving snail mail announcements of the gathering. I think that all the "old timers" there contacted Peggy about the dinner. Also, the greatest part of the increase in attendance this year were people who contacted Peggy.
Mike McLean, our winter correspondant who couldn't be with us last night, had sent out written notices to the aspiring Winter climbers he was in contact with, and that resulted in more new faces at the gathering.
Phil Corell is the one who suggested mailing announcements to about 140 Winter 46ers whose addresses he had, and he sent me all I needed to do that mailing. Those were the people who contacted Peggy.

I was really pleased with the spirit of that open floor during dessert. Not only were people spontaneously saying things, but the rest of the group remained quiet enough for them to be heard. That's not something to take for granted. Thank you all for keeping it in that spirit. I think it was better than any program could have been.