8/3/08 Bald Peak -- tough stream crossings


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Trail used: Mt Kinsman

Condition: Good, all things considered after this week's rain. Between the second and third stream crossings (going uphill) there is a lot of water coming down the trail. Some deep puddles, too, that can be skirted as well as some mud holes. Logging road portion near bottom of trail still in great shape.

Note: All three stream crossings on this route, which normally are simple rock-hops, are very challenging right now due to all the recent rain. The first (lower) is still hoppable -- just barely. The second and third require wading if you want your boots to stay dry. The currents on all three are swift, and losing your footing is easy if you're not very careful. I've never seen so much water in any of these streams, not even during spring thaw, nor heard such a roar from any of them. The waterfall at the second crossing was such a torrent that it created its own wind.

At the third crossing (going uphill), the 100-yard spur down to the flume is a muddy, slippery trip but well worth the challenge. Peering down into the chasm, you'll see a noisy, foamy stream going wild down the narrow chute.

Special equipment: Some kind of assistance -- poles or, as I use, a bamboo walking staff -- is extremely helpful on the crossings. Gaiters will keep the mud splatters and trail duff out of your socks. Had no problems with bugs.

The view from Bald Peak was superb through broken storm clouds. The peak of North Summit was in the fog, so the fact that an afternoon family obligation didn't leave me enough time to make the summit didn't bother me -- the view from Bald and the adventure of the crossings was enough for this day.

I met one fellow who had turned back at the first stream crossing, feeling it wasn't safe. A young, athletic and shirtless hiker I met near the third crossing had rock-hopped the first crossing and waded, with boots on, the second. An older couple I met near the trailhead planned to stop at the first crossing.

Steve B of Franconia
The Feathered Hat

[email protected]