A BigDog you can kick with impunity


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Nov 8, 2003
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If it ain't snowin' there, we ain't goin' there.
(NO, I'm NOT advocating cruelty to canines -- see my avatar.)

Boston Dynamics, a robotics manufacturer, has just released an amazing video of an all-terrain, pack-carrying robot called the BigDog. (Warning: Arachnophobes probably shouldn't watch this clip.) Part of the video includes a shot of a human trying to topple the device by kicking it hard, to no avail.

As the late Roy Scheider might have said to the AMC: "You're going to need a wider trail."
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sardog1 said:
As the late Roy Scheider might have said to the AMC: "You're going to need a wider trail."

It doesn't seem to mind bushwhacking. I wonder how it does on exposed ledgy areas (like, say, the North Carter trail from Imp Shelter or the Blueberry Ledges on (NH's) Whiteface).

Really amazing video.
--M. said:
It doesn't seem to mind bushwhacking. I wonder how it does on exposed ledgy areas (like, say, the North Carter trail from Imp Shelter or the Blueberry Ledges on (NH's) Whiteface).
It sure does posthole! :D But it's amazing! It almost looks too good to be true. Good thing you did not post this on 4/1! :D
That is incredibly amazing!! Wonder how it will handle when it has rocket launchers strapped to it's sides ;)
If you were to use Big Dog to carry you pack when doing your 48 four thousand footers --would it count?? I would love someone to carry my pack when hiking!!
Mark Schaefer said:
That is creepy. I agree the sound is annoying and reminiscent of buzzing insects. I have the urge to get a very large fly swatter.

Agreed...what does that thing run on? Sure doesn't look like Milk Bones.
This is actually a very old device that they have been working on for many years. The video were they kick the robot I saw in the late 80's or 90's IIRC. Some other snippets in the lab are pretty old also. I remember the first time I saw it I thought that it was actually 2 people facing each other with thier bodies in the box layed over. Until I realized that the "legs" wouldn't allow human legs inside. And that even while the robots skill at walking is very impressive it is mechanical. It is a very impressive device. I belive the origin was MIT. Carnegie Mellon also did and has some very impressive robotics automation development.

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I saw one bushwhacking up Larry Flume. In fact,I asked it directions.
I think there might be a few here who would like one of these for carrying certain liquid refreashments into the Backcountry :D
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I want one, I can use the chainsaw attachment to eliminate the furry ones that leave dog crap all over the trails.