A Good PLAN for Spruce Mtn Firetower


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Puma concolor

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Nov 28, 2003
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New York
Hey, Firetower buffs ... how many other people received a letter in the mail the other day about Saratoga PLAN working on purchasing the land leading to the Spruce Mountain Firetower in Corinth? There is also a story about it on Page B5 of this morning's Albany Times Union. Apparently, the cost is about $12,500 and will preserve access to this Tower, which is one of the 28 in Jack Freeman's Views From on High. Saratoga PLAN has sent contribution requests out requesting that we Mountain/Tower lovers help replenish the cost of buying the land. Sounds like a great idea to me - put me down for $25. Jack Freeman is the man - he'll be meeting with State and PLAN reps at the Corinth Town Hall tomorrow night.

For more info ...

I got a letter. Funny thing is that I often climb Spruce as it is only 6 miles from my door to the trailhead. I climbed it Sunday morning and then went home and opened the letter I had received Saturday! It is a great view from the top of the tower but the tower itself is in rough shape. I've been trying to clean up some of the litter each time I go up but it seems like a losing battle as both the top and the trailhead appear to be party spots. Maybe this will change when the land changes hands. Also looks like someone put up additional flagging on the trail. It would be great to get this trail and tower in good shape!