A gorgeous day on Mt. Garfield...


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Date Hiked: Thursday, April 17

Trail Conditions: Similar to those cited by the person who posted two days prior -- but a lot more melting and trail degrading since then.

Road from gate to trailhead is partly bare with some mud, dry patches, and sheets of ice. First third of Mt. Garfield Trail -- to the first water crossing -- is mostly bare with some ice patches, some mud, and a lot of glorious dry spots. Water crossings were easy, with only a few stepping-stone rocks below water and then only an inch or two. Next third of trail -- to the switchbacks -- is sloppy with some ice/snow, mud, and a lot of flowing water. From the switchbacks to the Garfield Ridge Trail, the trail has become the "balance beam" or "monorail" of about a foot wide with granulated, posthole-inducing slush on either side. From junction with ridge trail to summit, snow is soft but still offers support. Summit is almost entirely dry.

NOTE: Ridge Trail sign is now entirely exposed (post is still buried in snow, though).

Special Equipment Required: We barebooted with no problems (no postholes) until we hit the "monorail" portion of the trail, when we put on snowshoes to keep intact what's left of the snowpack. From here on, though, poles were very helpful to negotiate the snowpack ridge. A couple of slight miss-steps off of snowpack ridge resulted in two-foot postholes -- in snowshoes.

Comments: An incredible day -- spring is coming in. It was 50 degrees on the summit with just a light breeze (a 50-degree turnaround from Franconia Ridge from exactly a week before). Beautiful blue sky and views all around. Plenty of birds and even butterflies at the lower elevation (a number of Questionmark, Comma and Mourningcloak butterflies).


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