One more tidbit.
From "Forest and Crag"'s "Superhiking" chapter:
....In 1927 (Irving) Appleby was back, whirling south to north this time ( on the Long Trail), and announced a new record of ten days and nineteen hours. By this time he was basking in the limelight of celebrity. On Mansfield he arrived at the Summit House at noon to find a "big crowd there. Splendid welcome". Writing from Boston to fellow publicity lover James P. Taylor, he reported,
During the coming two weeks the boots that I wore will be on exhibition in the main window of a big shoe store on one of our busiest corners. They will have my whole outfit in the window, including several pictures. I estimate that over a million people will see the exhibit and a big show card will tell the story.
Ahhh the good old days, when men were pure of heart and did it solely for the adventure.