A Trek to Check Things Out (03-Oct-2012)


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Jan 18, 2007
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Whitefield, NH

This might well be a case of misinformation, or simply a memory failure or a mix-up on my part. However, I seem to recall being told or reading that the views from Hall's Ledge had nearly grown in. Hmmm! This past Sunday I decided to check this out. This is a short and rather mild-mannered hike which was a good fit for my situation on that day.

I'd never been to Hall's Ledge, and so I don't know what the view was like in the past. However, I thought the view from there was quite respectable, even though you're only looking at a rather narrow slice of the Presidential Range.


I began this trek from the end of Carter Notch Road. Using this approach route involves walking on a combination of logging roads plus wide & grassy XC ski trails (part of the Jackson Ski Touring Foundation system of trails).

From the moment you leave the trailhead, you're pretty much on your own. There is no signage to guide you toward Hall's Ledge (until you are about 45 minutes into the hike). I basically just followed my instincts and stayed on the logging roads and XC trails that seemed to be the most logical way to go and that were headed in the right direction.

After 20 minutes or so of walking, I arrived at a junction with the Orchard Trail. This was the only trail signage that I'd seen up to this point. This junction has potential for confusion. In addition to taking a left turn onto the Orchard Trail, there are 2 other options (both unsigned). One option would be to follow a new section of logging road to your right. And, the other option would be to continue straight ahead onto an unsigned XC ski trail. The correct option is the latter, i.e. to continue straight ahead.

Finally, after about 45 minutes from the time I left the trailhead parking lot, I came upon a sign pointing to Hall's Ledge. Within 5 minutes from this sign, I came to a massive opening that looks like it could have been cut just within the past year or so. But, maybe it's been there for a very long time?:confused: Regardless, the views southward are extensive!

This clearing is located approximately midway between the sign pointing to Hall's Ledge and Hall's Ledge itself. So, even folks hiking up from Rt. 16 could easily access this spot. It only takes about 5 minutes to reach the viewpoint (regardless of whether you're approaching it from the sign, or from Hall's Ledge).

The Clearing

Sample View from the Clearing

Another Sample View from the Clearing

According to a document posted along the logging road, it appears that permission to log at this location is effective through August 2012. So far, they seem to be keeping trailside/roadside eyesores to a minimum, and they have put in a very nice road. When I was there on a Sunday, there were no logging operations ongoing. Perhaps they take Sundays off, and so maybe that's the best time to follow this route.


Just as a side note, the route that I followed for this hike is located on a 500 acre plot of land known as Prospect Farm and it's almost completely surrounded by National Forest. The land was donated to the Town of Jackson by the Baker family in 1934. For history buffs, it might be of interest to know that there were farms on this land as early as the 1830's. You can find cellar holes, stone walls and apple orchards which are all remnants of the past.

So, even though this was a short hike, it was very enjoyable. Others must also find this to be an enjoyable hike . . . well at least the lower part of the route. Between the trailhead and the junction with the Orchard Trail, I met several individuals and entire families out for a walk. However, beyond the Orchard Trail junction, I met no one going or coming.;):)

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Don't you just love it when a short relatively-easy walk results in such ENORMOUS rewards?

Just another few reasons I love hikingi n the fall...color and such CLEAR skies!
Beautifull photo's...haven't been there before, nice to know of a few easy hikes with lots of bang!!:D
Don't you just love it when a short relatively-easy walk results in such ENORMOUS rewards?
Yup! Pleasant surprises are always a good thing! I was mentally prepared to have little or no views. So, it was totally awesome to find that there are still some respectable views from the Hall's Ledge viewpoint. And, it was quite a bonus to have the massive views from that large clearing which is only about 5 minutes from Hall's Ledge!
Those first two photos are beautiful, John. Perfect conditions and a great location! :)
Thanks Chris!
. . . haven't been there before, nice to know of a few easy hikes with lots of bang!!:D
Agreed! I'm always on the lookout for "easy hikes with lots of bang"! It's great to have a collection of hikes like that in your back pocket for those times when circumstances prohibit a longer hike.