Add a name to the Adams family

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Mar 24, 2004
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While climbing the "Adams family" in the northern presidential mountains it occured to me that we need to name one of the peaks after Abigail Adams who kept the farm, was a precursor of feminism and a wonderful patriot. I propose that Adams 4 (as marked on the newest AMC maps in the 27th edition of the guide) be renamed after Abigail. We need to see more women honored in our mountains.
I am pretty sure that there is a group seeking to rename either Adams 4 or 5 Abigail Adams. I suspect that I read it in an RMC newsletter, a Google search for abigail adams white mountains gave me nothing.
Mohamed Ellozy said:
I am pretty sure that there is a group seeking to rename either Adams 4 or 5 Abigail Adams. I suspect that I read it in an RMC newsletter, a Google search for abigail adams white mountains gave me nothing.

I remember reading something similar too... maybe it was a recent letter in front of a recent issue of AMC Outdoors??

-- Ivy
I wish that some people had more imagination, and instead of trying to rename existing peaks - which only leads to confusion and may not even take effect as in Clinton/Pierce - they would choose previously unnamed peaks. For instance, the bump near the label "Adams 5" on the metric map is not Adams 5 which is the 1605 bump (see and could be called Abigail Adams Peak. As she has been dead over 5 years this could take effect immediately, of course the Sierra Club might object as both this and Adams 5 are in Wilderness and hence should not receive people's names.
Adams 4 and Adams 5 are not really names. As Adams 4 is more prominent, I'd prefer that one for Abigail.
Secondly I was active in Sierra Club out in California and their hiking sections of the Angeles Chapter (Los Angeles area) think nothing of naming peaks especially in the desserts after their own deceased members. Several peaks which they named have been added to their climbing lists. Maybe what Sierra Club says and does are two different things.
From the December 1949 Appalachia

The renaming of Adams Number Four in the Presidential Range has been suggested by Ruth H. Frost in an article in the Worchester Daly Telegram of August 1, 1949. Mt. Adams, named for John Adams, has five peaks. The second and third of these have already been named for famous members of the Adams family, John Quincy Adams and Sam Adams. Miss Frost suggests that the distaff side of the family should be represented and advocates the name of Abigail Adams for Adams 4. She rightly points out that as the wife of one president, and the mother of another, her name justly belongs in the select coterie represented in the Presidential Range, and that, as the contemporary of many of those already honored, she rightly belongs among this group. This idea might well be given more than passing consideration.