ADKs Mid-April

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Sep 2, 2004
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Ulster County, NY Avatar: Chapel Pond From Giant M
This is very tentative, but I'm considering an ADK hike or two for 4/15-17.
I'll be in Albany for work on the 14th, and I'm going to take the 15th off for a three-day weekend. I can stay w/ friends or family in Albany the night of the 14th, so I'm thinking about driving up Friday morning (4/15) for something right off RT 73. Giant/Rocky Peak Ridge, maybe Dial/Nippletop.

Then I would perhaps spend the night somewhere up there and do another peak or two Saturday the 16th. I have to look into lodging options. I'm aware of the ADK lodging and I'm a member of ADK, and I'm also aware of the High Peaks Hostel.

The background-I climbed a couple of High Peaks (Giant and Algonquin) as a kid w/ my pops, and a few smaller peaks over the years, but I'm basically an Adirondack newbie. The Park always had a special place in my heart though, and I look forward to finally spending some QT up there. Right now my plans focus mostly on post-Memorial Day, but I'm thinking it might be good to get in one trip before the snow melts and the mud spirits awaken.

Are your dates cast in stone? I have Friday off on the 22nd, I could meet you friday morning in the ADKs and hike that weekend, perhaps. I'm not sure about the 15th since I'll be in the catskills all weekend the week before with you and the rest of the 3500 crew. Not sure if I can get out two weekends.

mcorsar said:
This is very tentative, but I'm considering an ADK hike or two for 4/15-17. I'll be in Albany for work on the 14th, and I'm going to take the 15th off for a three-day weekend. I can stay w/ friends or family in Albany the night of the 14th, so I'm thinking about driving up Friday morning (4/15) for something right off RT 73. Giant/Rocky Peak Ridge, maybe Dial/Nippletop. Matt

Matt, just so you are aware, a lot of VFTT'ers will be Exeter NH, at the 4000'er awards dinner that weekend. So, you can look at that 2 ways. Fewer possible hiking partners, or fewer people in the woods to ruin your solitude! :D
Tom-thanks for the heads up. That didn't occur to me. If I can't get any partners for this, I'm not sure if it's wise to solo. I've been doing plenty of soloing in the Catskills these past months, including bushwhacks, winter, long hikes, etc. The ADKs are a little different though. If I do solo, I'll of course take all the precautions, and leave my itinerary w/ friends or family.

Jay-Like I said, it's tentative. I'd consider the weekend of the 23rd as well, although I'd have to see about getting the 22nd off. The first weekend I mentioned works better for me since I have to go to Albany that Thursday anyway and I can stay there and stage from there in the morning. When you say you're not sure about two weekends, do you just mean two in a row?
It goes without saying that if I don't make definite plans before then (likely) we can discuss all this during the Catskills dinner weekend.

Well, I meant go away for the whole weekend since I want to be away for the entire Catskills Dinner weekend... If I do that, I might get the guilt trip to go away the next weekend (the one you planned on going). I'd like to do Giant/RPR too, never done Giant yet, it's been on my list for a bit. And since it's right by Keene Valley, it's not that far off the Thruway.

I might be game for a day hike on either Friday 15th or Saturday 16th. I would like to climb Tabletop and then Marcy? I could also be free the other weekends. Maybe we could car pool from thre Hudson Valley?
I'm In

Hey Now, Matt -- I am game for some ADK hikin' that weekend!! I have F'ing Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday off (Patriots Day for us New Engladers!! Yay -- another superbowl victory :p :p :p ) and I'll be in The Berkshires that weekend at my parents place which is a lot more easy trip to the ADKs. Giant sounds great as do peaks in the Dix range which I haven't hiked yet or whatever. You chose -- I'm up for anything.

-Dr. Wu

For reasons that I won't go into here, that weekend will be my last hike for at least a couple months. I was planning on a solo hike up Marcy the 16th, but I wouldn't mind some company. PM me for details. -ALGonquin Bob
Thanks for the responses. I'm stiff iffy on this trip. One concern is the mud/erosion factor, particularly with all the rain we've been/are getting. I'll be calling the DEC Region 5 and High Peaks Info Center numbers (518-897-1300, and 518-523-3441, respectively, if anyone needs them) for information on mud and voluntary trail closures.

Wu-If I don't hit the ADKs that weekend, maybe we could just do something else in the Catskills instead, since you'll be kinda nearby.

If you other guys really need or want those Marcy hikes, you might just want to make plans independent of me, which I may or may not then tag along for. Basically, I'm all stoked to get up there, having just finished the Catskill 35, but at the same time, April is a weird time to start hiking in an area I've having hiked since I was like, 11 or something. I'll be watching the weather, trail conditions, etc. and will probably decide that week.

I might be interested in that Marcy hike on the 16th. I would like to hit Tabletop on my way in to Marcy.