Algonquin 6/21/08

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
The first mile from the Adirondack Loj is so smooth you could push a baby carriage on it. Shortly after the turn off from the Marcy Dam trail, the trail becomes increasingly bony. As you go up there are an increasing number of ledges. The last .9 of a mile is very steep with a long steep slab of friction climbing. The trail eases up a bit as you near the summit.

There was one blowdown at the second waterfall which was easily passed. The streams were fairly easily passed despite all the rain this week and today. The bugs were not too bad but I did stop and put on some bug spray on the way down

After a week of rain this was the best day to go up. Nevertheless, the first rain squall hit about 11:00 AM just as I arrived at the top. The second squall hit as I was going down. The steep slabs were fairly dry when I went up, but quite wet as I headed down and required some care. There were very limited VFTT today, at least while we were up there.