Algonquin from HPIC (1/31/2009) --- FOUND SUNGLASSES ---

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Jun 20, 2007
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Utah - Avatar: Cirque de Gavarnie
Conditions: Below 4k feet: consolidated snow (snowshoes required)
Above 4k feet: deep wind blown snow (big snowshoes required)

Equipment: Snowshoes, maybe crampons

Comments: Everything up to the wright junction was a good consolidated base (had to break through an inch or two). Above that the snow was wind blown and much much deeper so we found ourselves slipping backwards in the steep sections as the snow slid underneath us. The steep section right before the wright junction was climbable in MSR snowshoes but as the snow gets scraped off it may require crampons (for only about 30 feet of trail).
Above treeline on Algonquin the path does not follow the summer path. Snowshoes were acceptable today but I could see that changing to crampons required if the snow firms up.

Found a pair of sunglasses on the van hovenberg between the LOJ and the turn for Algonquin contact (MVirdone [at) gmail dot com] with description and we can work on returning them to you.