Algonquin, March 17, from the Loj parking lot

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1st mile, alternating between mud and ice, 2nd mile alternating between ice and rocks (on the return there was much less ice). We put on our micro spikes sometime during the 2nd mile when it started getting slippery. 3rd and 4th miles, snow, with just a couple of tricky bits, easily passed with the help of trees and roots. At the top there was ice and rock alternating and I took off the micro spikes at some point where there was more rock than ice.

What a fantastic day. At the summit there was no wind, full sun, warm and wonderful. The descent on snow (micro spikes back on) was very fast. The icy bits near the top were softening so they were no problem with micro spikes. There's no monorail, but it pays to stick to the trodden path as there were ample signs of deep post holes.

Special equipment: footwear that you don't mind getting muddy. For today micro spikes were perfect. With the coming heatwave perhaps snowshoes will be better soon?? (although I did see someone post hole with a snow shoe).
