Allen 10/4 10/6

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Planned on going in via yellow trail. At trailhead sign in said bridge was out at the Opalescent and high water conditions were in effect . We change route took Clamity to FLow Lands and camped below Hanging Spears falls. Warm night late start long walk. Some snow on peak and slippery conditions.Back to base camp cooler night light rain and up and out via the Yellow trail . Got word from other hikers that the Oplescent was passable via rock hopping. Took that way out. Over all 20.7 miles for the three days. Usual equipment gaiters, gloves raingear and fleece. We were denied this peak last year and had to bail out at 3,900 due to rain,thunder and lighting. Glad we peaked I would not have wanted to come back a third time. One of the hardest hikes out of the 24 peaks I have attained.