New member
On Monday morning I was sitting around wanting to hike and dreading the drive up the the ADK like I do ever time I go causing me to be lazy and slow about getting my stuff together. I also have internet addiction so I was reading emails, forum post and Fantasy hockey updates all morning. I was thinking of going to Allen and also of how I could make it more interesting with something like going up the Calamity then down to Hanging Spears and picking up the trail. I get a PM from Jay H asking if I wanted to maybe go this weekend and I said I might go today, it was like 9am. Procrastinating like a true master I was still reading when at about 10am Yvon made a post that he heard the 3th and a man were going today to Allen today.
Well, that sealed the deal, now I was in a rush! I knew this was #100 for the rabbit family and that Allen is one of the special ones that has broken plenty of winter hearts. He had mentioned 4 times or more about going on Saturday for 99 and helping to open the path but I did not respond until Friday morning asking what time to go since I have not been well and wanted to see how I felt. He ended up not logging in and I thought he might not be going since the forecast was questionable for a few days. So when Saturday morning came and I had not heard from him I decided to go drop off a bunch of stuff at a friends house in E-town and hike out of the ADK lodge area that day, I ended up breaking trial to Redfield but that is another report.
I got my gear together and gassed up and was on my way out of Albany when I saw what was clearly a man wearing tight jeans a Marilyn Monroe type blonde wig and bright red lipstick. I knew this day was going to be interesting and glad I was getting away from the city at the same time.
I decided I would test out the exit 26 route and found that in winter I'm always taking this route from now on and in summer I'll take exit 29, more later in another thread.
Getting to the trail head I quickly geared up and checked my watch, 1:17pm. I thought to myself how my step father used to yell at me to get up if I was still in bed at 9 on a weekend saying that the day was half over and to stop being a lazy bum.
I was making good time and the weather was great, I was only wearing a short sleeve tecwick under a long sleeve and making good time. Almost an hour in and I see him coming. Being a Mets fan I hear the chant of Jose, Jose Jose...Jose...Jose all season long and since this sounds like Alay which I've learned is the way to say Alain I started singing Alay, Alay, Alay...Alay...Alay I knew this would get him going and sure enough it did. We spent some time talking of Saturdays effort and mountains and last years adventures together. We both talk very fast and I find I answer most of the things he says with absolutely and he answers exactleee' to me so it flows fast. Then I notice that the 3th is upset and has tear in his eye.
I ask Alain to let me see him and I try to rock him to sleep and sing him the lullaby. He think that he will not see his old enemy no more.
We make plans with whispers so the mountains will not know when we attack later this winter. He asked, "will you make it" referring to Allen while twinkling his eyebrows as only he can. I say I will do my best to make him proud, Ye! I was moving along when I came to the raging currents of the river where the bridge used to be. I decided to risk it. ;-)
The track was perfect for almost the whole route, once the height of land is reached on the actual trail it does deviate a bit to the south with a little wacking but who doesn't like a little wacking! I could see where someone decided to take a bath and was hoping this fatty wasn't next. As I climbed the route was taking a slightly higher route and bypassed the usual waterfall at the base, I looked up and all the sudden I was on the slide. I dropped my back and took all my regular gear out and somehow attached it to me including a 32oz of gatorade. All I really left was about 40 more ozs and the pack itself. I had brought 96 oz. I wanted the freedom of movement and knew it was going to be tight in places. I decided I would try to go up and not stop making the most of the remaining light.
I knew this would not be easy so I decided to try and focus and hear Jr's voice at home sitting on the couch with the Queen. I knew Alain and the 3th were driving home and didn't want to bother them. ;-) Sure enough I hear him and he was glad to listen, he just said we had to be quiet since the Queen would get made at him for talking about hiking since he was supposed to be retired!
As I go up the track was beautiful and I could see where standing in the snow breaking trail it must of been chest high at times! As I neared the top I saw the perfect switchback routes. Then I had the talk with Jr.
Me: Jr, I must stop
Jr: What! There is no stop only for the baby! Are you the baby who we need to give the baby carrot with the baby sauce!
Me: No, Jr! Look behind us! We can see the Santa twin slide and Redfield slide!
Jr: Ahhh, yes my old friends, good eye young man!
Then I started to climb again and I started to notice a magic seem to feel the air. This magic just became more and more as I moved along watching. I could simple not believe it as I turned around.
There was only a tiny breeze and I was still in my shirts trying to believe what I was seeing. As I walked along it was like going through a candy forest out of a kids dream. I came to the sign knelt down and took the picture of where I know the 3th had given the kiss early that day. I ate and walked around noticing the time was 5:11 and I needed to hurry to make it down the slide and see more views. The color magic only last about ten minutes but I know their was no place else I would rather of been which always makes you feel so calm.
The butt sliding, besides the switchbacks to preserve them, may be some of the best and longest in the northeast. I dropped the all the way down in only 18 minutes! Averaging almost a 100 feet per minute. Made it back to my pack and was on my way. I had to go slow for the first 1.5 mile since it was now dark and the branches were close even for a herd trail. Just before the bridge area I was surprised by a grouse that took off only about 18 inches from me scattering snow off his wings as he rose up. I took the picture of where he sat.
I made the rest of the trip thinking of how luck I was to catch such a day and feeling completely satisfied. I got back to the car and took one more picture to show the 3th.
I figured the sunset was his gift for today. When I finally got home and feel asleep I didn't even mind when the alarm went off at 2:45am. Ok...maybe I minded a little. This TR is written in 10% Frenglish which is totally addicting!
Well, that sealed the deal, now I was in a rush! I knew this was #100 for the rabbit family and that Allen is one of the special ones that has broken plenty of winter hearts. He had mentioned 4 times or more about going on Saturday for 99 and helping to open the path but I did not respond until Friday morning asking what time to go since I have not been well and wanted to see how I felt. He ended up not logging in and I thought he might not be going since the forecast was questionable for a few days. So when Saturday morning came and I had not heard from him I decided to go drop off a bunch of stuff at a friends house in E-town and hike out of the ADK lodge area that day, I ended up breaking trial to Redfield but that is another report.
I got my gear together and gassed up and was on my way out of Albany when I saw what was clearly a man wearing tight jeans a Marilyn Monroe type blonde wig and bright red lipstick. I knew this day was going to be interesting and glad I was getting away from the city at the same time.
Getting to the trail head I quickly geared up and checked my watch, 1:17pm. I thought to myself how my step father used to yell at me to get up if I was still in bed at 9 on a weekend saying that the day was half over and to stop being a lazy bum.
I was making good time and the weather was great, I was only wearing a short sleeve tecwick under a long sleeve and making good time. Almost an hour in and I see him coming. Being a Mets fan I hear the chant of Jose, Jose Jose...Jose...Jose all season long and since this sounds like Alay which I've learned is the way to say Alain I started singing Alay, Alay, Alay...Alay...Alay I knew this would get him going and sure enough it did. We spent some time talking of Saturdays effort and mountains and last years adventures together. We both talk very fast and I find I answer most of the things he says with absolutely and he answers exactleee' to me so it flows fast. Then I notice that the 3th is upset and has tear in his eye.
We make plans with whispers so the mountains will not know when we attack later this winter. He asked, "will you make it" referring to Allen while twinkling his eyebrows as only he can. I say I will do my best to make him proud, Ye! I was moving along when I came to the raging currents of the river where the bridge used to be. I decided to risk it. ;-)
The track was perfect for almost the whole route, once the height of land is reached on the actual trail it does deviate a bit to the south with a little wacking but who doesn't like a little wacking! I could see where someone decided to take a bath and was hoping this fatty wasn't next. As I climbed the route was taking a slightly higher route and bypassed the usual waterfall at the base, I looked up and all the sudden I was on the slide. I dropped my back and took all my regular gear out and somehow attached it to me including a 32oz of gatorade. All I really left was about 40 more ozs and the pack itself. I had brought 96 oz. I wanted the freedom of movement and knew it was going to be tight in places. I decided I would try to go up and not stop making the most of the remaining light.
I knew this would not be easy so I decided to try and focus and hear Jr's voice at home sitting on the couch with the Queen. I knew Alain and the 3th were driving home and didn't want to bother them. ;-) Sure enough I hear him and he was glad to listen, he just said we had to be quiet since the Queen would get made at him for talking about hiking since he was supposed to be retired!
Me: Jr, I must stop
Jr: What! There is no stop only for the baby! Are you the baby who we need to give the baby carrot with the baby sauce!
Me: No, Jr! Look behind us! We can see the Santa twin slide and Redfield slide!
Jr: Ahhh, yes my old friends, good eye young man!
Then I started to climb again and I started to notice a magic seem to feel the air. This magic just became more and more as I moved along watching. I could simple not believe it as I turned around.
There was only a tiny breeze and I was still in my shirts trying to believe what I was seeing. As I walked along it was like going through a candy forest out of a kids dream. I came to the sign knelt down and took the picture of where I know the 3th had given the kiss early that day. I ate and walked around noticing the time was 5:11 and I needed to hurry to make it down the slide and see more views. The color magic only last about ten minutes but I know their was no place else I would rather of been which always makes you feel so calm.
The butt sliding, besides the switchbacks to preserve them, may be some of the best and longest in the northeast. I dropped the all the way down in only 18 minutes! Averaging almost a 100 feet per minute. Made it back to my pack and was on my way. I had to go slow for the first 1.5 mile since it was now dark and the branches were close even for a herd trail. Just before the bridge area I was surprised by a grouse that took off only about 18 inches from me scattering snow off his wings as he rose up. I took the picture of where he sat.
I made the rest of the trip thinking of how luck I was to catch such a day and feeling completely satisfied. I got back to the car and took one more picture to show the 3th.