Allen Mountain via Hanging Spears 4/28; Dial and Nippletop Mts. 4/29

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Allen Mt. 4/28/2012
I've hiked in from the Upper Works TH. Up to two inches of fresh snow in the morning. Bare boots all the way to Allen Brook. I've put on spikes at this point as there was plenty of ice scrambling leading up to the summit ridge. Firm snow cover is up to a 1.5 ft. thick in higger elevation.

Dial and Nippletop Mts. 4/29/2012
Snow cover became more consistent up Bear Den Mt. with patches of ice.
I've used spikes from this point for the whole ridge traverse to Nippletop Mt. and descent to Mt.Colvin jct. Snow cover is firm and reaching 1.5 ft. in higher elevation.