Allen Mountain

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Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
White Mountains
Date of Hike: Saturday, October 8th

You're going to get your feet wet on the first two crossings, Hudson River is an easy cross and is pretty shallow, no problem at all. For the crossing of Lake Jimmy the wooden planks at the ends of the lakes are loose, submerge, and move in the water when you step on the so make sure you have your balance, the wooden boards in the middle of the crossing are solid and firm. You can rock hop across the Opalescent upstream easily or just walk in the water. The Trail to the Allen Herd Path is no problem, there are markers here and there but whenever you come to a turn there is an obvious arrow or a cairn leading the way.

The Allen herd path is pretty well marked with homemade yellow discs up until the small beaver ponds. From here until the crossing of the skylight brook pay attention and you should be able to stay on trail although it could be a little tough with all the leaves that are falling so just use caution. Once past the Skylight Brook the trail is easy enough to follow and the trail up the Allen Brook and Slide is a wet slick mess and steep but no issues at all if you just take your time, if it gets to sketchy you can use the sides of the brook/slide up in the the mud and shrubs.

Comments: Beautiful day to hike Allen Mountain, it reminded me of hiking Owl's Head in the White's, lots of fun, in and out in 8 hours. click here for report and links to pics

Name: Chris

Email:[email protected]
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